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Police receive complaint of two men beating small dog

By Howard B. Owens

Two men have reportedly been seen beating a small dog, possibly a terrier, in the area of Liberty Street.

The two men, both wearing dark clothing, are reported to now be in the area of the Pok-A-Dot.

Police are responding.

UPDATE 2:21 p.m.: Police said they arrived within two minutes of the initial call and no one was around, neither was a dog.

UPDATE 4:45 p.m.: Nicole Johnson witnessed this event and says, “Saw the whole thing at the Pok-A-Dot. Dog got away and weaving in and out of traffic on Ellicott Street. The two were chasing the dog, not beating it. Rest assured. They were hugging and kissing it when they finally got it. The young boy was in his socks running down the street to get the dog. The dog was safe! And happy to be caught by the two. No abuse was seen.”

Debra Nanni

Witness at the Polka Dot posted on video news service there was no beating or abuse. Said she saw the entire thing, dog got loose and became scared in traffic . Kids ran after him and she said he was very happy when he was caught.

Nov 16, 2017, 2:08pm Permalink

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