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Polls now open

By Howard B. Owens

Polls opened at 6 a.m. and one poll worker told me turn out has been light so far.

Come on, Genesee County, you can do better.

Go vote. Tell your coworkers, your neighbors, your family, your friends: Go vote.

Vote at lunch. Vote after work. Vote after dinner. Just vote before the polls close at 9 p.m.

George Richardson

I was listening to "All Things Considered" on National Public Radio yesterday afternoon, in Austin, Texas, when they started talking about Batavia, New York and mentioned WBTA radio. Steve Hawley also gave some short comments. It was about how Batavia was a hardcore right wing city with an older conservative population who are having a hard time buying the lies of the Republican Party. Abolishing Medicare seems to weigh heavily on the minds of the voting populous. Jane said something like: If you are 55 it won't affect you. Cool, screw everyone 54 and younger. Get out there and vote with your mind instead of your party affiliation. It is hard, I know, but if you are still capable of rational thought now is the time to exercise it. Or, are you happy with what the Republican Party has done since the November elections?
Meaning: NOTHING!

May 24, 2011, 11:22am Permalink
Janice Stenman

Good grief, Howard!!! For this retired person, 6:00 AM is the middle of the night. LOL. My husband and I are definitely voting and would like to remind everyone that the polls are open to 9:00 PM.

George, I'm with you again. I am still registered as a Republican. Even voted for Chris Lee the first time. But he never responded to phone calls, letters or email and that was enough for me. I think he assumed that no matter what, the seat in Congress was all sewed up.

May 24, 2011, 12:43pm Permalink

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