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Today's Poll: Should gay athletes in major sports 'come out'?

By Howard B. Owens
Bob Heininger

There isn't a yes or no answer to this question. It's up to individuals to decide for themselves whether or not to 'come out'.

Apr 30, 2013, 8:27am Permalink
Jack Dorf

I agree Bob, I could care less. I'm so sick and tired of these type of topics. Live and let live but I really don't care what your sexual preference is.

Apr 30, 2013, 8:44am Permalink
Bob Heininger

There isn't an answer to this question because the sexual orientation of athletes has exactly nothing at all to do with their ability to participate in a sport.

Apr 30, 2013, 10:23am Permalink
Daniel Palmer

This particular player has been on multiple teams in just a few short years. (No pun intended)

In my opinion, this is a strategic move on his part to land a contract for next year. He is an average at best NBA player. However, in today's ultra-politically correct world, a team will pick him up for publicity.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

So, to each his own; especially if it means landing a multi-million dollar contract.

Apr 30, 2013, 10:51am Permalink
Dave Olsen

I suspect that people like me, Bob, Jack, Irene and Bernie aren't the problem. I'm not concerned about who's gay and who isn't either. It's none of my business. I'd guess that it's about whether or not a public figure such as a professional athlete should go ahead and express himself knowing the flack he's going to take and that everytime the media mentions his name it'll be Jason Collins, Gay basketball player. He will face jeers and personal attacks. Unfortunately ignorance and prejudice is alive and well in our society. Although, I have to say not as well as it used to be certainly. Everyone should live their lives the way they want to, be happy and be proud of who they are. I believe and hope that as time goes on and we, as a people evolve more; a person's sexual identity will cease to be such a pejorative for some. A popular quote going around lately is: "Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions." I disagree with that and say : "Tolerance is the virtue of a person who believes in liberty for all people".
Sure you can use that. LOL

Apr 30, 2013, 10:53am Permalink

I like some of the others, don't really care whose gay and who isn't. I do wonder however, about the man's teammates. In the locker room, in the showers...........could be a little uncomfortable.

Apr 30, 2013, 11:49am Permalink
Amanda Rumble

One problem with homophobia is that women assume lesbian women are looking at them and men assume gay guys are looking at them in bathrooms, showers, locker rooms, etc. This is ignorant. Every gay person doesn't want to sleep with every man and every lesbian woman doesn't want to sleep with every woman. It's rather vain to think that.

I also would vote in the "idgaf" category. When it comes to sports the only thing I care about is whether the athlete is good or not. Their personal life is just that, and it's an individual decision to "come out," which shouldn't even be an issue.

Apr 30, 2013, 1:43pm Permalink
Michelle WIlliams

I totally agree with you, Amber. To think that every gay man or lesbian woman is looking at the same sex just because they're gay is like saying all of us who are straight look at every person of the opposite sex. It doesn't make sense. My hope for the future is that someday people will stop with caring about who is gay or who is straight or who is bi or who is transgender. I also agree that it's about that person's skills in whatever career they pursue. Nobody gets refused a job because they prefer thin blondes or tall redheads, etc. It's 2013...We should all be a little passed this. An LGBT individual shouldn't be stigmatized and forced to hide who they are because someone ELSE is insecure about it. The mentality is no different than the pre-Civil Rights era when whites were afraid to go to the same anything as a "colored' person. If people would just stop labeling each other as black, white, gay, straight, fat, thin, maybe we wouldn't have so much bullying in the world and people could move on with the important things in the news and in life (homelessness, PTSD among our vets, lack of education funds, etc.)

Apr 30, 2013, 6:14pm Permalink

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