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Water Quality

City to distribute flyers regarding lead pipes and water quality

By Press Release

Press Release

The City of Batavia Water Department would like to inform residents to be on the lookout for a lead-related service flyer in the mail along with their water bill.  In accordance with the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revision, the City must develop an inventory of the material of both the public and private portions of each service line in the City’s water system.

The City wishes to reassure its residents that the water is safe to drink.  An effective corrosion control procedure is used to reduce the possibility of lead existence in City water.  Regular testing yields levels that are consistently lower than the EPA action threshold for lead. 

Residents’ participation in developing this inventory is greatly appreciated.

A copy of the flyer can be found on the City of Batavia’s website 



Tonawanda Creek Watershed Committee Meeting

By Elizabeth Bentley-Huber


The TCWS Committee is a public working group of interested citizens including private landowners, governmental agency officials, municiple and tribal representatives from the four counties within the watershed. There are four different working groups to become involved in; Pollution Control, Flood Control & Safety, Habitat Restoration, Stewardship & Management.

Event Date and Time

Tonawanda Creek Watershed Committee

By Elizabeth Bentley-Huber

Do you have concerns with the Tonawanda Creek and it's watershed area? Then join our diverse group as we begin to address these concerns with a goal of drafting a long-range plan for the watershed. All are welcome to attend! Meeting starts at 6:30 pm thru 8:30 pm on Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at the Pembroke Community Hall located at 116 E. Main St. (Rt# 33) in Corfu, NY 14036

Event Date and Time

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