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Boys, playing with handcuffs, have themselves in a bind

By Howard B. Owens

Two young boys have handcuffed themselves together and a deputy has been dispatched to help them out.

One of the cuffs is apparently too tight on one boy and his hand is starting to turn blue.

The boys are on South Main Street, Village of Oakfield.

George Richardson

This once happened to me as a child, but they were Chinese handcuffs. As soon as I pulled Tim's finger off of his hand I was able to free myself. Oh yeah, sorry Tim. It looks pretty normal now even though you can't feel or move it.

May 9, 2011, 1:46pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

I was never any trouble for my mother ... except the time I boiled hot water and forgot it on the stove and then put the glass pot in the sink and it immediately exploded.

And ... sorry, gotta go ...

May 9, 2011, 5:32pm Permalink
Billie Owens

One day in third grade, I took a big handful of long blond hair on top of my head and slowly coiled it around a comb to the scalp. This was done quite mindlessly.

I went to unwind the comb, but couldn't. I panicked, struggled, yanked, pulled, tried working with just a few strands at a time, but failed to undo what I had done. I cried.

My mother was called and I was allowed to walk home. To hide my condition and mitigate my humiliation, I hung my cardigan over my head with just my face showing. See, this made the comb sticking out like wings on either side of my head invisible.

I was taken to the "beauty parlor," as we called it, and though the professional there greased my hair and worked diligently, the best she was able to do was to release enough hair so it could all be cut in a short bob. Afterward, some kids called me Billie Bob.

May 9, 2011, 6:09pm Permalink
Chris Charvella

@Pam, the friend in question in my peanut up the nose story is your brother-in-law. Ask him about it sometime, and remember, your kids carry some of his DNA :)

May 9, 2011, 8:36pm Permalink

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