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Photo: Batavia teachers attend rally in Albany

By Howard B. Owens

Photo and information provided by Mark Warren, VP Batavia Teachers' Association:

Members of the Batavia Teachers' Association and their families attended the NYSUT One Voice United rally on Saturday June 8th in Albany.

Speakers representing parents, teachers, and various other groups highlighted the major issues that need to be addressed to help our students and our schools including over-reliance on expensive corporate developed tests, equitable funding of schools, and protecting the safety and privacy of students and staff.

Over 20,000 teachers, parents, and students attended the event.

david spaulding

ever since my children attended school, I have been very supportive of teachers and most of the time the administration... I commend these teachers and parents for taking the time and making the effort to have their voice heard....
unfortunately, I really don't believe anyone in Albany is listening to them.

i'll bet Albany had a tally of tax dollars made, before the last bus left town...

Jun 11, 2013, 9:49pm Permalink

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