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Today's Poll: Are you worried about loss of privacy in the digital age?

By Howard B. Owens
Mark Brudz

Over the last decade we have reached a point where technology has far outpaced ethics with regard to privacy. This will over time balance out, but my concern is what happens in the mean time.

Being able to 'OPT OUT' of things should be replaced with having to OPT IN in the first place IMHO.

We are now seeing digital medical records, digital tax returns and already cases of that information being used politically are emerging

Oct 15, 2013, 9:49am Permalink
Kyle Slocum

I maintain that Big Government and Big Business are both bad. For the very same reasons.

What baffles me is leftists who rail against the excesses of corporations yet love the idea of massive government programs and intrusive intervention in the lives of citizens by government. On the other hand, there are one or two persons on the planet who believe that massive corporate control of your life and society is a good.

There was a story today about companies putting cameras on store shelves to see who is buying their products so they can target advertising to them. There is another story about how the federal government is going to be able to manage the health of Americans more effectively because of the digitalization of medical records.

All of which scare me to my core.

I'm thinking about buying a hoodie or a burka so I can shop in peace and a fake identity so the federal government can't "manage" my health.

Oct 15, 2013, 7:46pm Permalink

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