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Today's Poll: Do you think Chris Collins believes nobody dies from prostate/breast cancer anymore?

By Howard B. Owens
C. M. Barons

Once, again, Howard, your response options are incomplete. ...Something along the lines: "The universe will survive despite what Chris Collins believes."

Did anyone else see this? Sorry, it's freaking AOL...…

Folks, Collins is a third-rate, good-ol-boy-select hack, and no amount of analyzing semantics, varnish or air-brushing will make him anything but what he is. Wyoming, Genesee and Monroe Counties saw this wannabe for what he is, but Erie County endorsed him. ...Another case of high-politics, low-integrity ram-rodding courtesy of the we-know-better-than-you Erie County GOP Mutual Admiration Society.

Jul 5, 2012, 2:32pm Permalink
Jeff Allen

Mark, however absurd, I am ok with this standard IF it is evenly applied. A standard is just that, something applied to all, as standard principle. Therefore, those who voted that they think Collins ACTUALLY believes nobody dies of prostate and breast cancer, by logic must also think that our President ACTUALLY believes there are 57 states, that he ACTUALLY believes Austrian is a language, that he ACTUALLY believes the private sector is doing fine, that he ACTUALLY believes we're the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad, that he ACTUALLY believes that 10,000 people died in a Kansas tornado, that he ACTUALLY believes corpsman is pronounced corpse-man, that he ACTUALLY believes Hawaii is in Asia, that he ACTUALLY believes there are Polish death camps...I could go on, but it is depressing.

Jul 5, 2012, 1:11pm Permalink
Mark Brudz

My favorite is when the more liberal folks intentionally sieze upon an obvious slip of the tonque such as this, yet say nothing when The President of The United States repeatedlyand obviously intentionally leaves out 'By THEIR CREATOR' when quoting the declaration of independance.

Jul 5, 2012, 2:43pm Permalink
Mark Brudz

Please DO NOT confuse frustration with one campaign making an issue of a simple slip of the tonque with tacet support for the candidate maligned.

Jul 5, 2012, 2:48pm Permalink
Dave Olsen

"The universe will survive despite what Chris Collins believes."

Exactly, thank you C M

I know this will be hard to believe but the same goes for Dave Olsen, also, neither should be our Congressman

Chris Collins is the WNY version of Joe Biden, only not as smart

Jul 5, 2012, 4:39pm Permalink
Mark Brudz

Absolutely amazing that at this point (8:10 pm) 179 out of the 679 who voted on this poll are so either so lacking in common sense or so blindly partisan that they would vote yes.

Jul 5, 2012, 8:11pm Permalink

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