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Today's Poll: Do you think the US Post Office should eliminate Saturday delivery?

By Howard B. Owens
Jennifer Keys

Saturday delivery and post office business hours make the postal service more accessible to people who work. If they need to go to a 5 day work week, they should consider dropping another day and keeping Saturday.

Dec 8, 2011, 12:12pm Permalink
C. M. Barons

The traditional value of the USPS has been severely depreciated by electronic mail, especially electronic billing, account features of most banks and businesses. The decline in use of USPS has been further accelerated by curtailed counter hours and junk-mail. I didn't realize how under-used the USPS was until I was asked (in the 1990s by a teenager, 'how to mail a letter?') Aside from its parcel service and registered mail, it seems that the post office is becoming obsolete. One of the truly wrong-minded business practices maintained by the USPS is free delivery. I cannot understand why it costs me money to have a post office box - with limited access and at the same time, mail delivered to the door or mailbox is cost free! It doesn't make sense; especially when considering the transportation cost vis-a-vis fuel prices. I also do not understand why I am paying for non-profit mail delivery. The post office should re-think its services and eliminate those that are either under-used, not profitable or onerous to consumers. ...Then expand the hours of operation.

Dec 9, 2011, 2:38pm Permalink

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