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Today's Poll: What's your position on climate change?

By Howard B. Owens
Dave Olsen

In my humble opinion, humans have to be effecting the environment and the climate in some way. To what degree I can't say. Our population is the most it has ever been. We are emitting more CO2 into the air than ever before. Regardless, we are appointed stewards of the earth by God. We should always engage in proper stewardship of the resources we have and preserve them for future generations. That doesn't mean I want to return to the 18th century. Technology and progress are good things and advance humankind. I like my car, I don't want to care for and ride a horse. I like electricity and realize that we need power generators etc etc etc. I just believe we should always be mindful of our effect on the planet. I don't think us capable of moving to another one just yet. Having expelled all that CO2, may I remind my liberal friends that government regulation is not the answer. Fines and banning certain practices are not reasonable. Supporting certain business with tax incentives is also wrong and ineffective. Transparency in the conduct of business that can effect the environment is what is needed. Serious judgement from the courts related to cleaning up messes created by careless actions and full reparations to those effected are what is needed. No breaks, equal treatment. The government should not be taking over clean ups, only deciding when its completed. We can have all the conforts of 21st century life and protect our planet at the same time.

Nov 4, 2014, 9:20am Permalink
Bob Harker

I absolutely love your post, Dave.

Unfortunately the words government, transparency, and serious judgement all used in the same paragraph make your words a fantasy as opposed to a realistic goal.

Nov 4, 2014, 10:44am Permalink
mathew pribek

I'm sure all of us recall that plants actually inhale carbon dioxide, right? It isn't as if the earth has no mechanism for "digesting" it. And since I have never heard a rational arguement for climate stasis, I think we can all agree that change is likely and it is likely healthy and cyclical. I mean, is anyone anywhere suggesting that ice ages did not come and go on there own? That isn't America's fault too, is it?

Nov 4, 2014, 12:38pm Permalink
Scott Ogle

"Having expelled all that CO2, may I remind my liberal friends that government regulation is not the answer."

How is it then, as just one example, we don't have choking smog when traversing the George Washington Bridge these days? Thank Richard Nixon and the EPA. (I remember going across that bridge in '69. You actually couldn't *see* the other side of the river. Have you seen the videos of the skies over Beijing these days? Weird, this true laissez-faire a-la-Commie. Ayn Rand would be proud. But it won't last, you know.)

'Fines and banning certain practices are not reasonable."

Why not? How have we avoided producing more Love Canals?

"Transparency in the conduct of business that can effect the environment is what is needed."

Where are the volunteers? How do we get there?

"Serious judgement from the courts related to cleaning up messes created by careless actions and full reparations to those effected are what is needed."

Yes! And fines (reparations), cleanups, and banning through regulation those certain pernicious practices.

Nov 4, 2014, 1:30pm Permalink

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