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Today's Poll: Which drugs, if any, would you support being legal, regulated and taxed?

By Howard B. Owens
Peter O'Brien

All of them should be legal. It is not the government's place to tell us what we can and can't put in our bodies.

It is our responsibility to act in a way that it is not harmful to others regardless of the state of mind we are in. Seeing as there are already laws to cover that, we could save a lot of money not having all these minor drug offenders sitting in the prison system.

Jul 10, 2012, 7:42am Permalink
Pat McGinnis

I have been traditionally against the legalization of the drugs listed. It seems though within the last few years kids have been looking at everything available to get high. Kids used to just get Alcohol from one place or another or find some marijuana and smoke that. Today’s issue’s with Bath Salts, Synthetic garbage, Methane sniffing (I was extremely surprised by this one) and drinking hand sanitizer all seem like extreme ways to get high. I can’t help but think if marijuana were available like cigarettes it would resolve some of this. Also the crackdown by law enforcment on youth alcohol use I’m sure has played a role in kids turning to these other options. Some of these legal things I listed cause severe long lasting damage and should never be an option for anyone to get high.

Jul 10, 2012, 11:43am Permalink
John Woodworth JR

Here we go again with, "The government doesn't have the right to tell us what we can or cannot put our bodies BS!"

Certain drugs are too dangerous for human consumption. It is not about a person's right to use but, the dangers of a drug. Certain drugs warp an individual's mind and have adverse effects. People cannot control the affects a drug may have on them. Yes, alcohol is abused by many and accounts for a large number of deaths and property damage. So Peter, my question for you is. If an individual takes a drug, which is known to cause paranoia and it causes their mind to see or feel something that is not there. This in turn causes them to hurt some innocent individual, whether intentionally or accidentally, how does that person’s right to use not effect others? This is not a "what if scenario." This is reality and has happen numerous times throughout this world.

People cannot control the effects a drug may have on them. Some drugs may be somewhat controllable but, a great many are not. Taking drugs may not have the same affects on users but, the dangers are still there. When a user overdoses and injurys someone else or them self? How does that not have any effect on others? Other countries have legalized marijuana and allow youths to consume alcohol but, you are talking about generations teaching respect for the dangers of that produce's consumption. Not to mention they have the ability to enforce and deliver harsh punishments.

People in this country do not have that respect. We try to find fault with anything or anyone but, OURSELF! For example, Remember the woman who sued McDonalds because, she burned herself between her legs with a hot cup of coffee. That, she set there! She blamed McDonalds because, they did not warned her that the coffee was hot and sometimes in was served warm. Which is why companies such as McDonalds and Tim Horton's etc.. display the word HOT on the cups. They awarded her like 7 million dollars. Why? By her own admission she had been purchasing coffee from McDonalds for years. Hmmm, one would think that she should know the coffee was hot. Not to mention "HOT" Coffee or "HOT" Chocolate are served, you guess it, HOT!

Finally, it is up to the government to keep their citizens safe and secure. If not, why have military, police, fire or medical services?

Jul 10, 2012, 10:11pm Permalink
Doug Yeomans

John, I think you're confused again.

Quote: "Finally, it is up to the government to keep their citizens safe and secure. If not, why have military, police, fire or medical services?"

It's the job of the military to protect the country as a whole from attack by another country. It is not their job to protect individuals from their selves. The police are there to "serve and protect" the citizens who pay their wages and outrageous retirement pensions.

Arresting people for simple drug possession and use goes against all freedoms that I believe in. They're not baby sitters. When people act like idiots and place OTHER people in danger, whether they're under the influence or not, that's when it becomes the business of an agency assigned to "serve and protect."

Jul 11, 2012, 12:13pm Permalink
Brian Heick

I don't mind the whole overlord telling me what to do type crap. I do pay taxes because I don't get a choice, however, I want my kids to have some sort of future for when osama comes back from the grave with his hordes of minions to wipe out all of us fair and taxed to death Americans / new yorkers.

Well, that might be the bath salts talking since it seems to be a mild epidemic in Batavia lately and I might as well just join the crowd. Puff puff pass ya know.

The major point is that if you are old enough to know whats good and bad for you, then you should have the choice to make your own decisions for yourself. I don't think the government needs to regulate anything anymore than it needs to since it (not we) regulate to much already.

That;s all just a though...

Jul 11, 2012, 4:11pm Permalink

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