car games en car games Local Matters © 2008-2023 The Batavian. All Rights Reserved. Fri, 03 May 2024 14:11:29 -0400 Mon, 18 May 2009 06:59:00 -0400 Monday Morning It feels more like October than May.  Looking out at the cars in the parking lot, I see frost on the windows. 

The pollen count was high all weekend.  It was common to run into people with running eyes and noses.  As uncomfortable as the pollen makes us, I have to admit that spring is always glorious. The colors of the buds, the flowers blooming, the grass is green and there is hope for a nice summer.

I even noticed one farm where they have completed their first cutting of hay. The windrows raked into long straight lines appeared to be the epitome of spring...renewal of the land.  I also noticed a farm stand selling asparagus for $2 a bunch.  The stand was empty, had we passed it earlier in the day, I would have bought some.

Remember when your kids were young and you had to think of things to amuse them on a long ride?  The kids are long grown, but I still find myself mentally playing the games that occupied their time.  Bury the cow was a favorite.  It started quite get points for each herd of cows you found on your side of the car.  If we passed a cemetery and it was on your side, you lost your cows.  As the kids got older the game became more complex.  How many cows constitutes a 'herd'?  If a fence divides cows on the same farm, does each pasture count as one point or does the farm just count as one point?  I smile as I pass Lamb's and imagine the discussion that would go on in the back of the car.

]]> May 18, 2009, 6:59am car games Monday Morning BeamNY <p>It feels more like October than May.&nbsp; Looking out at the cars in the parking lot, I see frost on the windows.&nbsp;</p> <p>The pollen count was high all weekend.&nbsp; It was common to run into people with running eyes and noses.&nbsp; As uncomfortable as the pollen makes us, I have</p>