cattle en cattle Local Matters © 2008-2023 The Batavian. All Rights Reserved. Wed, 08 May 2024 19:01:48 -0400 Sat, 17 Apr 2010 20:53:00 -0400 A farm with a view

Dave and Sandra Wheeler enjoy the wide open spaces and life on the farm. On Molasses Hill, in the northeast corner of Attica, the husband and wife team raise American Quarterhorses, Paints, Herefords and Angus. Here, amid the rolling foothills of the Appalachian Plateau, the Wheeler's horses and cattle graze and gambol about in spacious pastures with the lake plain as a backdrop, On a clear day the view is exceptional.   

This photo is taken from the top of Molasses Hill Rd. looking north. The Wheeler farm is a couple hundred yards to the west. Using the zoom lens......

the water tower at the Batavia Vet's Hospital comes into view, to the right are four silos located north of the thruway. The cylindrical shape to the right of the silos is the Elba water tank.

This cavorting Paint certainly seems happy with the location....

while a pair of angus watch the camera.

Casting a wary eye in my direction....

A pair of Paints grazing.........I'll get back to the livestock in a moment, first a couple more scenic shots.

Zooming in from the Wheeler's east pasture, that's the Rochester skyline off in the distance...Xerox Tower, Lincoln Tower, etc.

The plume of smoke on the horizon is spewing from the Somerset smokestack on the shore of Lake Ontario in Niagara County.


As this Paint parades past, just inside the woods are a few bovines that decided to play "hooky".

Chow time in the cattle barn....

Munching away....

It was time to say so long, and hopefully I'll see these horses barrel racing at the Attica Rodeo this summer.

]]> Apr 17, 2010, 8:53pm cattle A farm with a view jimnigro <p></p> <p></p> <p>Dave and Sandra Wheeler enjoy the wide open spaces and life on the farm. On Molasses Hill, in the northeast corner of Attica, the husband and wife team raise American Quarterhorses, Paints, Herefords and Angus. Here, amid the rolling foothills of the Appalachian Plateau, the Wheeler's horses and cattle graze</p>
One angus calf recovered, but turns out, one is still missing Remember the wayward Angus calf reported by Jonathan Lamp of Oakfield a few weeks ago?

I spoke with Lamb today and he said the rancher who owned the calf recovered it, but that wasn't the only calf to escape.

The report of the missing calf was seen on The Batavian by a niece of the rancher, and the rancher recovered that calf within two hours of the initial post. But the second calf remains, well, on the lamb.

So if you see a young, all-black bovine wandering around Oakfield, let Jonathan Lamb know so he can notify the rancher.

]]> Jun 10, 2009, 12:09pm cattle One angus calf recovered, but turns out, one is still missing Howard Owens <p>Remember <a href="">the wayward Angus calf</a> reported by Jonathan Lamp of Oakfield a few weeks ago?</p> <p>I spoke with Lamb today and he said the rancher who owned the calf recovered it, but that wasn't the only calf to escape.</p> <p>The report of the missing calf was seen on <em>The Batavian</em></p>
If you're missing a calf, check around Batavia-Elba Townline Road An Angus calf has been roaming around Batavia-Townline Road for two days, according to Jonathan Lamb.

Lamb and neighbors have tried to capture the young animal, but it runs any time anybody approaches it.

"Maybe you remember Woody from last year -- I don't know if we have another Woody on our hands, but I've called all the neighbors and nobody knows who it belongs to," Lamb said.

The calf is wandering in a field near the road, Lamb said.

If anybody is missing an Angus calf, Lamb said the owner should e-mail him at jonathanl (at) lambfarmsinc dot net.

]]> May 20, 2009, 10:52am cattle If you're missing a calf, check around Batavia-Elba Townline Road Howard Owens <p>An Angus calf has been roaming around Batavia-Townline Road for two days, according to Jonathan Lamb.</p> <p>Lamb and neighbors have tried to capture the young animal, but it runs any time anybody approaches it.</p> <p>"Maybe you remember <a href="">Woody from last year</a> -- I&nbsp;don't know if we have another Woody on</p>