Council en Council Local Matters © 2008-2023 The Batavian. All Rights Reserved. Fri, 26 Jul 2024 21:50:39 -0400 Mon, 02 Mar 2009 18:29:00 -0500 Ambulance Clarification If there is anyone on council that is sad over the decision to eliminate that ambulance service it is me. This was a service I learned about it at a NYCOM meeting many years ago and the State that had the service was Maryland. I brought it back to the city when Keith Hunt was our fire chief. It is unfortunate that the service was never set up in a way that the city was going to be responsible for most of the cost. Our city medics have demonstrated an exceptional high quality service for all county residents. I well reiterate this decision was very personal and tough for me to eliminate this service.

The county has definitely made a decision to have ambulance service by September 1st   and working all the details out with private providers.

The union has misinformed you of putting the blame on council when the blame from the union’s greed has brought us to where we are. Their salaries are out of control and they want more. Let me shed some light on the cost of retiree health care benefits that are over a few million dollars and that will continue until age 65. That does not include the outrageous salaries.

The towns are also to blame for this mess because, they did not want to come up with their fair share of this service.  It just was not feasible to have the majority of city residents to have most of the financial burden

I also want to say it’s a dirty shame to scare our elderly residents the way this union has portrayed this decision.

I want to thank all of the elderly and those for calling me and expressing your concerns. THERE WILL BE AMBULANCE SERVICE IN BATAVIA.  All of council wants a service here.

Rose Mary Christian

]]> Mar 2, 2009, 6:29pm Council Ambulance Clarification beau056 <p>If there is anyone on council that is sad over the decision to eliminate that ambulance service it is me. This was a service I learned about it at a NYCOM meeting many years ago and the State that had the service was Maryland. I brought it back to the</p>
City Managers Review Process
I would like to express my thanks for the work our city manager has accomplished over the last year. We began this fiscal year with a projected tax increase over 34% and finished with an 8% increase. This year the City manager’s office helped secure well over $750,000 in grants, substantial reductions in city operating expenses, consolidated dispatch, negotiated several labor contracts beneficial to this city and reworked 7 municipal agreements for ambulance service. Increases in productivity and streamlining of city operations have effected all departments. City staff continues to excel under Jason’s leadership, all the while making due with less and still providing quality service for our residents. We are looking forward to successful outcomes for the many challenges that we have placed before our City Manager for this year. These include:·         A smooth transition to consolidated dispatch with the county.·         Determining how we can centralize booking with the county.·         Seeing tangible results with the consolidation study with the town.·         Continued improvements in the once faltering inspections department with an eye towards increasing productivity, streamlining and improving city codes. ·         Strong leadership in the reconstruction efforts taking place on Ellicott and Walnut Streets this year. ·         Oversight of the Ambulance service to ensure its viability.


]]> Jun 17, 2008, 9:52am Council City Managers Review Process cmallow I wanted to release the fact that our City Manager's review process has been completed. The budgeted 2.75% increase in his salary will be on the next business agenda for Council to vote to release. I am not at liberty to discuss the details of this employee matter in public