economic stimulus en economic stimulus Local Matters © 2008-2023 The Batavian. All Rights Reserved. Fri, 26 Jul 2024 22:03:57 -0400 Mon, 02 Mar 2009 07:50:00 -0500 Burk: Aid will help continue level of excellence in Batavia City Schools BATAVIA, N.Y -- Last week, Philip was right on top of an announcement by Sen. Charles Schumer's office of a nearly $1.7 billion package of stimulus money coming to New York for schools.

About $2.5 million will flow to Genesee County schools, including nearly a million dollars to Batavia schools.

Philip asked Patrick Burk for a response, and we received this via e-mail:

I am thrilled and excited that our district is receiving this investment in our City of Batavia Schools.  It will allow us to continue our level of excellence in the areas of educational programming and student services as well as employee training.  We will be able to maintain a higher professional/student ratio that has been extremely successful in promoting higher test scores and outcomes.  Rest assured this investment will be used wisely to do what we do best, educate ALL the children of the City of Batavia.

]]> Mar 2, 2009, 7:50am economic stimulus Burk: Aid will help continue level of excellence in Batavia City Schools Howard Owens <p>BATAVIA, N.Y -- Last week, Philip was right on top of an announcement by Sen. Charles Schumer's office of a nearly $1.7 billion package of <a href="">stimulus money coming to New York for schools</a>.</p> <p>About $2.5 million will flow to Genesee County schools, including nearly a million dollars to Batavia</p>
Poll: Should the city take a chance on $425k and try to land $4.5 million? Yesterday, we reported that the Batavia City Council voted to go ahead and spend $425,000 on design work for some six downtown infrastructure improvement projects, including some sewer and water line upgrades. Those designs will then be sent to the state in the hopes of landing $4.5 million in economic stimulus money to fund the projects. Council members who approve of the gamble—although they oppose labeling it as a gamble—say that it's an opportunity to create jobs in Batavia and better the city's infrastructure. What do you think?

Should Batavia invest $425k to *potentially* reap $4.5 million in stimulus money?
( surveys) ]]> Feb 11, 2009, 10:40am economic stimulus Poll: Should the city take a chance on $425k and try to land $4.5 million? philip.anselmo <p>Yesterday, <a href="">we reported that the Batavia City Council voted to go ahead and spend $425,000 on design work</a> for some six downtown infrastructure improvement projects, including some sewer and water line upgrades. Those designs will then be sent to the state in the hopes of landing $4.5 million in economic</p>
Poll: The president on the stimulus In the New York Times this morning, we read this of President Obama's appearance last night at a White House news conference:

The news conference was the centerpiece of an intense and highly orchestrated campaign by the administration to wrest control of the stimulus debate from Republicans and reframe it on Mr. Obama’s terms.

Did he succeed? Was it what he needed to do?

What did you think of President Obama's first news conference?
( polls) ]]> Feb 10, 2009, 9:43am economic stimulus Poll: The president on the stimulus philip.anselmo <p>In the <a href=";hp"><em>New York Times</em></a> this morning, we read this of President&nbsp;Obama's appearance last night at a White House news conference:</p> <p>The news conference was the centerpiece of an intense and highly orchestrated campaign by the administration to wrest control of the stimulus debate from Republicans and reframe it on</p>
Poll: Your thoughts on the $819 billion stimulus package We've got another post on the stimulus package coming in a little while. In the meantime, we want to get your thoughts.

Do you support the $819 billion stimulus package?
( polls) ]]> Jan 29, 2009, 11:39am economic stimulus Poll: Your thoughts on the $819 billion stimulus package philip.anselmo <p>We've got another post on the stimulus package coming in a little while. In the meantime, we want to get your thoughts.</p> <a href="">Do you support the $819 billion stimulus package?</a> <br> (<a href=""> polls</a>)
News roundup: Still waiting for the check? Check out WBTA for this and other stories:

  • Some 1,200 Genesee County residents did not receive an economic stimulus check, though they may have been entitled to one. In order to receive the checks, those eligible had to file a federal tax return, and many retirees and disabled veterans never filed because they didn't have to. Well, a sympathetic IRS — seriously — is reaching out to help them get their check, which could be between $300 and $600 per individual. They have until October 15 to file the 1040A tax form and get the check. Visit the IRS Web site for more information.
]]> Jun 20, 2008, 9:13am economic stimulus News roundup: Still waiting for the check? philip.anselmo <p>Check out <a href="">WBTA</a> for this and other stories:</p> <ul> <li>Some 1,200 Genesee County residents did not receive an economic stimulus check, though they may have been entitled to one. In order to receive the checks, those eligible had to file a federal tax return, and many retirees and disabled veterans never</li></ul>