Iran Election Mahmoud Ahmadinejad en Iran Election Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Local Matters © 2008-2023 The Batavian. All Rights Reserved. Sat, 15 Jun 2024 20:16:51 -0400 Tue, 16 Jun 2009 08:06:00 -0400 Iranian Elections Ok, for starters, if any of you thought that this election was going to be conducted fairly and openly, I have an igloo for sale in Ecuador.

Why doesn't Mymood Iminajihad want to lose his power? Because he believes he can bring back the 12 Imam by starting Armeggedon.

The 12th Imam:

Within the Shiite, (which is predominate in Iran), it is prophesied that there is a coming 12th Imam who is the great spiritual savior. This Imam is named Abu al-Qasim Muhammad or also called Muhammad al Mahdi. He is said to have been born the son of the 11th Imam, Hasan Al-Askari and his wife, the granddaughter of an Emperor. There are conflicting statements of her name being either Fatima or Nargis Khatoon.

Most accounts of the story say that al Mahdi went into hiding as a child around the age of 5 years (about 13th Century). It said he has been ‘in hiding’ in caves ever since but will supernaturally return just before the Day of Judgment. According to the Hadith the criteria for the Hidden Imam are:

He will be a descendant of Muhammad and the son of Fatima

Will have a broad forehead and pointed nose

Will return just before the end of the world

His appearance will be preceded by a number of prophetic events during 3 years of horrendous world chaos, tyranny and oppression

Will escape from Madina to Mekkah, thousands will pledge allegiance to him

Will rule over the Arabs and the world for 7 years

Will eradicate all tyranny and oppression bringing harmony and total peace

Will lead a prayer in Mekkah which Jesus will be at his side and follow in

Now why is all this important?  Because Mymood will stop at nothing to nuke Israel and start the apocolypse.  Israel is our ally and even Obama will have to respond with massive force to the detonation of a nuclear device there.  Even if he doesn't respond in kind, Israel might.  That would anger the surrounding nations and trigger the start of WW3.

But on the good side is that for Star Trek to come true we need a good nuke fight to occur....

]]> Jun 16, 2009, 8:06am Iran Election Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iranian Elections Nebula <p>Ok, for starters, if any of you thought that this election was going to be conducted fairly and openly, I have an igloo for sale in Ecuador.</p> <p>Why doesn't Mymood Iminajihad want to lose his power? Because he believes he can bring back the 12 Imam by starting Armeggedon.</p> <p><a href="">The</a></p>