Restaurant Reviews en Restaurant Reviews Local Matters © 2008-2023 The Batavian. All Rights Reserved. Fri, 26 Jul 2024 21:24:13 -0400 Mon, 25 Oct 2010 10:47:00 -0400 Miss Batavia Saturday morning the wife and I went to Miss Batavia for a late breakfast.  This was our second time at the restaurant.  It has become our favorite spot for a sit down breakfast.


We walked in and its was empty but for a few tables.  We came in after the the morning rush and had our choice of seats.  The waitress came right over and handed us menus and took our drink order.  The drinks were at our table in under 2 minutes (which was great because I was still very thirsty from hockey earlier that morning).


Chelsea ordered a ham and cheese omelette with home fries and white toast, and an apple juice.  I had french toast and two eggs, over hard, with an orange juice. The food was terrific.  But the surprising thing was how fast it came out.  It couldn't have taken more than 7 minutes.  I know what we ordered doesn't take long to cook but it was still surprisingly fast.  The french toast was cooked to perfectly.  It was not the best I've had but it was very good.  The eggs (though admittedly hard to screw up) we also cooked perfect.  Chelsea's omelette looked very good and I know that her home fries were.  Her toast came out toasted.  I know that sounds dumb but I have had lots of experience eating slightly browned.  Miss Batavia's toast was fully toasted but not burned, just the way it should be.


The service we received was among the best we have ever had.  Sometimes when I got into a restaurant and am as thirsty as I was on Saturday, I have a drained glass on the table longer then a glass with amount of fluid in it.  That did not occur.  My glass was empty for maybe a minute before it was filled again.


The check came soon after we were finished (as the lunch customers came in).  it came to $16 and change.  I was surprised at how low the price was.  Both our plates were covered in food.  It certainly seemed well worth the price for what we got.

]]> Oct 25, 2010, 10:47am Restaurant Reviews Miss Batavia Nebula <p>Saturday morning the wife and I went to Miss Batavia for a late breakfast. &nbsp;This was our second time at the restaurant. &nbsp;It has become our favorite spot for a sit down breakfast.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>We walked in and its was empty but for a few tables. &nbsp;We came in after</p>