steve en steve Local Matters © 2008-2023 The Batavian. All Rights Reserved. Fri, 26 Jul 2024 22:23:27 -0400 Thu, 13 Jul 2017 16:12:00 -0400 Hawley supports Independent Retailer Month, says 'shop local' Press release:

With the advent of Independent Retailer Month, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia), who himself has been a small-business owner for more than 40 years, is encouraging his neighbors to shop local this month.

It is a chance to support the local economy and strengthen community growth in Western New York.

“This month is the perfect opportunity to support your neighbor’s businesses and show the strength of our community,” Hawley said. “As a local business owner, I know the importance of the issues so many business owners face.

"The regulation and taxes meted out by Albany stifle the prosperity of all of us. It is with this in mind that we use this month as a symbol to band together as neighbors and show that our local economy has never been stronger and will continue to keep local money in local pockets.”

Hawley is a strong opponent of regulation and governmental oversight that prevents local businesses from operating efficiently in New York State.

This motivated him to sponsor the Red Tape Reduction Act (A6916) to help start cutting back harmful laws sent down from Albany. Less regulation and less red tape means more jobs, lower taxes, and more money in your pocket at the end of every day.

]]> Jul 13, 2017, 4:12pm steve Hawley supports Independent Retailer Month, says 'shop local' Billie Owens <p><em>Press release:</em></p> <p>With the advent of Independent Retailer Month, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia), who himself has been a small-business owner for more than 40 years, is encouraging his neighbors to shop local this month.</p> <p>It is a chance to support the local economy and strengthen community growth in Western New</p>
Hawley & coalition slam Cuomo's plan to allow farmworker unionization Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) joined Assemblyman Bill Nojay (R,C) and a coalition of lawmakers speaking out against the governor’s decision to not fight a lawsuit relating to the unionization of farmers. The governor’s decision to not defend the complaint, filed by the New York Civil Liberties Union in the State Supreme Court, effectively endorses unionization of farmworkers in New York State, a policy that those in the agriculture community say is not wanted or necessary. In fact, due to the individual climate and environmental concerns of each state affecting their growing season, the federal government specifically excluded farmworkers from the National Labor Relations Act in 1935.

“As the former owner of our family-owned farm, former Genesee County Farm Bureau President and having served on the Assembly’s Agriculture Committee since I was elected in 2006, I can attest to the daily struggles of our farm community. The governor’s decision to support unionized farm labor, coupled with a $15 an hour minimum wage, will be absolutely devastating to Western New York’s agriculture industry,” Hawley said.

“For decades our communities have been crushed by the state’s economic policies and the unionization of farmers will only push our family farms closer to the brink,” said Nojay. “Throughout his tenure Gov. Cuomo has demonstrated a total lack of respect for Upstate’s economy by repeatedly pushing policies, from GMO labeling to the $15 minimum wage, that have had a disastrous effect on our family farms and agricultural communities. The efforts by these wealthy labor unions will not only kill businesses and family farms but continue the exodus of Upstate families to less economically oppressed regions of the country. Agriculture is the foundation of our state’s entire economy and we must give our farming families and communities the attention and support they deserve.”

“Here in Western New York, farmers work extremely hard to develop positive and long-lasting relationships with their farm hands and seasonal workers. Unionization would only add another level of bureaucracy to a system that is not broken, and further complicate the ability of our state’s small family farms to succeed,” said Assemblywoman and Minority Leader Pro Tempore Jane Corwin (R,I,C-Clarence).

Assemblyman Marc Butler (R,C-Newport) said, “Leave it to New York City politicians to get it all wrong about agriculture and family farmers. Gov. Cuomo and others like him have done much to vilify the family farmer. Not only have he and the Assembly Majority increased the minimum wage and operating costs for these important rural job providers, now the governor is joining special interest groups that are trying to force family farms into unionized shops. I will work diligently to block any efforts from the governor or anyone else who tries to impose a New York City progressive agenda on our upstate family farmers.”

Assemblyman and Chairman of the Assembly Minority Conference Clifford W. Crouch (R-Bainbridge), a former dairy farmer, said, “To say that this would be devastating to our farming industry would be an understatement. Over the years it has become very clear that advocates of unionizing farm workers, who predominantly have downstate interests, neither understand the relationship farmers have with their employees nor the negative repercussions this would have on our small family farmers. I have visited and spoke to many farm employees across the state – from Buffalo to the North Country, to the Southern Tier and Long Island.

"In those travels and to date, not one employee or farmer I have spoken to has expressed the need or desire for what is offered by unionizing their employees. With already tremendous expenses - including grain, feed, seed, equipment, workers’ compensation, unemployment benefits, property taxes, energy expenses, and transportation – compounded with the recent minimum wage increase, how are family farmers expected to survive?

"Unionized farm employees may make sense for states like California that have a year-round growing season, but not in New York. Let’s call it what it is: a money grab by organized labor and their political counterparts in state government to gain an extra 35,000-40,000 new members paying union dues. The government should not be telling family farmers how to operate, especially when its policies will lead to closures of those farms. When there are no farms left, what will be the cost of food and where will it come from?”

“Gov. Cuomo’s next chapter in his war on upstate seems to be financially crippling our family-owned farms. Farmers have just recently begun learning how to absorb a $12.50 minimum wage hike upstate and a cut to agriculture local assistance that New York City politicians slammed down their throats, and now they want to force union mandates on them,” said Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin (R,C,I-Troy).

]]> May 21, 2016, 3:57pm steve Hawley & coalition slam Cuomo's plan to allow farmworker unionization Billie Owens <p><em>Press release:</em></p> <p>Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) joined Assemblyman Bill&nbsp;Nojay (R,C) and a coalition of lawmakers speaking out against the governor’s decision to not fight a lawsuit relating to the unionization of farmers. The governor’s decision to not defend the complaint, filed by the New York Civil Liberties Union in the</p>
Hawley announces annual Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C., this September Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) recently announced his eighth annual Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C., will take place Sept. 17–20. More than 100 veterans and family members participated in the 2014 trip, which included stories of valiant service members and valuable time spent together reflecting on the courage and dedication exhibited by our nation’s veterans.

Hawley is a longtime supporter of veterans and currently serves as the Ranking Minority Member of the Assembly Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.

“I look forward to this trip each year as a way to give back to those who have served our country and remember those who have perished in combat,” Hawley said. “I came up with this idea following a similar trip I took with my father, a World War II veteran.

"Through experiences of my father and my own service in the Ohio Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserves, I have gained a tremendous understanding and respect for the sacrifices endured by our veterans. It is for this reason that I continue the Patriot Trip each year and encourage as many of my constituents who are veterans to sign up as soon as possible.”

Attractions Hawley plans to visit this year on the trip include:

  • World War II Memorial
  • Korean War Memorial
  • Vietnam War Memorial
  • Iwo Jima -- The Marine Corps Memorial
  • American Veterans Disabled For Life Memorial
  • Air Force Memorial
  • 9/11 Memorial at the Pentagon
  • Arlington National Cemetery, including the Changing of the Guard
  • Wreath Laying at the Tomb of the Unknowns -- Vietnam Veterans
  • Gettysburg Battlefields
  • Mt. Vernon

Space is limited and sign-ups are first come, first serve with priority given to the oldest veterans and first-time attendees. Immediate family members may accompany a veteran.

If you or a veteran want more information about this year's Patriot Trip VIII, please call 585-589-5780 or 585-813-1608; e-mail:

To view photos from previous years use the following link:

]]> Jul 6, 2015, 11:45am steve Hawley announces annual Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C., this September Billie Owens <p><em>Press release:</em></p> <p>Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) recently announced his eighth annual Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C., will take place Sept. 17–20. More than 100 veterans and family members participated in the 2014 trip, which included stories of valiant service members and valuable time spent together reflecting on the courage and</p>
Assemblyman Hawley warns utility customers about scam - 'Green Dot MoneyPak Card' Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is warning his constituents of an emerging scam being perpetrated on customers of New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E).

The scam involves a person claiming to be a NYSEG or RG&E representative calling customers and threatening them with service cancellation unless they buy a "Green Dot MoneyPak Card."

Once purchased, the scammer uses the card.

“Customers of NYSEG and RG&E need to be on guard for scammers soliciting the Green Dot MoneyPak Card. If you get one of these calls, do not buy the card and contact the Federal Trade Commission and your local police to let them know the issue,” Hawley said.

“If you have fallen victim to the scheme, you may be able to get your money back by contacting Green Dot MoneyPak and deactivating the card before the scammer uses it.”

Scam victims who want to get their money back can do so by going to and clicking “I would like a refund of my MoneyPak.” However, this will not work if the scammer has already spent your money.

]]> Aug 16, 2014, 12:09pm steve Assemblyman Hawley warns utility customers about scam - 'Green Dot MoneyPak Card' Billie Owens <p><em>Press release:</em></p> <p>Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is warning his constituents of an emerging scam being perpetrated on customers of New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&amp;E).</p> <p>The scam involves a person claiming to be a NYSEG or RG&amp;E representative calling customers and threatening them</p>