Sunshine Week en Sunshine Week Local Matters © 2008-2023 The Batavian. All Rights Reserved. Fri, 03 May 2024 03:45:02 -0400 Wed, 15 Mar 2017 17:57:00 -0400 This is Sunshine Week and Hawley calls for more transparency, ethics reform A statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) on Sunshine Week, which is dedicated to increased openness, accountability and transparency in government:

“Sunshine Week is a tremendous opportunity we have as public officials to inject trust and integrity back into Albany politics. Unfortunately, year after year, Albany’s budget process seems to be the opposite.

"The governor and house leaders have routinely kept many rank-and-file legislators completely in the dark on budget negotiations, only to thrust a series of very long bills on our desks in the middle of the night for a rushed vote, and that is unacceptable.

“Let’s not forget it was New York City special interests who voted against 12 reforms put on the table by my upstate Assembly colleagues and I, which would have set term limits for legislative leaders, put restrictions on messages of necessity and required a three-day input process before legislation could be voted upon.

"The best way to cut through the dark cloud of secrecy and backroom dealings is sunshine, and I will be working to pull back the curtains as we move forward.”

]]> Mar 15, 2017, 5:57pm Sunshine Week This is Sunshine Week and Hawley calls for more transparency, ethics reform Billie Owens <p><em>A statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) on Sunshine Week, which is&nbsp;dedicated to increased openness, accountability and transparency in government:</em></p> <p>“Sunshine Week is a tremendous opportunity we have as public officials to inject trust and integrity back into Albany politics. Unfortunately, year after year, Albany’s budget process seems to be</p>