board of trustees en board of trustees Local Matters © 2008-2023 The Batavian. All Rights Reserved. Fri, 26 Jul 2024 21:27:25 -0400 Fri, 01 Mar 2024 21:08:00 -0500 GCC Board of Trustees honor a legend on and off the court, Dr. James Sunser
Photo of Dr. James Sunser with GCC Trustee Ms. Jacalyn Whiting, courtesy of Genesee Community College.

Press Release:

On Wednesday, Feb. 7, the Genesee Community College Board of Trustees took the opportunity during halftime of their Men's final home basketball game of the season to celebrate the career of someone who has been a true legend both on and off the court. 

Dr. James Sunser is concluding his final academic year as President of Genesee Community College, and this was the first of a few events planned to honor his service.

Throughout Dr. Sunser's career, he was known to step onto the basketball court with students. His willingness to engage in friendly matches, share his love for the game, and connect with students beyond the traditional walls of academia has set him apart as a leader. 

Dr. Sunser's approachability and enthusiasm, whether in a Board Meeting Room or on the Basketball Court, created an atmosphere where students feel not only supported but genuinely connected.

That evening, those present not only honored his role on the court, but his role in shaping the course of this institution. In his 13-year career at the college, Dr. Sunser has been a leader who has tirelessly worked toward the betterment of the college and the success of its students.

During Dr. Sunser's tenure, his efforts spearheaded major capital campaigns for the Student Success Center and the Richard C. Call Arena. Innovative academic and student spaces were also developed such as a state-of-the-art criminal justice lab, vet tech lab, solar electric lab, and student eSports space. 

In addition, his leadership within the GCC Foundation led to extensive renovations of College Village to provide students with enhanced living space, social space, and technological improvements.

Dr. Sunser accepted a basketball signed by each Trustee as a token of their appreciation to symbolize their heartfelt gratitude for his outstanding contributions and commitment to students.

]]> Mar 1, 2024, 9:08pm board of trustees GCC Board of Trustees honor a legend on and off the court, Dr. James Sunser Press Release <figure role="group" class="caption caption-div"> <div> <div class="field field--name-field-media-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img alt="dr.jamessunser.jpg" class="image-style-large" height="611" loading="lazy" src="" width="800"> </div> </div> <figcaption>Photo of Dr. James Sunser with GCC Trustee Ms. Jacalyn Whiting, courtesy of Genesee Community College.</figcaption> </figure> <p>Press Release:</p><blockquote><p>On Wednesday, Feb. 7, the Genesee Community College Board of Trustees took the opportunity during halftime of their Men's final home basketball game of the season to celebrate the career of someone who has been a true legend both on and off the court.&nbsp;</p><p>Dr. James Sunser</p></blockquote>
GCC launches nationwide search for fifth president, invites public feedback Press Release:

Genesee Community College (GCC) is excited to announce the initiation of a nationwide search for the college's fifth president. The GCC Board of Trustees has enlisted the expertise of RH Perry, a distinguished national search firm specializing in higher education, to oversee and manage the presidential search process.

RH Perry will undertake a comprehensive pre-search study on campus from Oct. 17 - 18. This study is instrumental in shaping the presidential profile, which will outline the desired attributes, experiences, and credentials GCC seeks in its next president, while also addressing the potential opportunities and challenges on the horizon.

All members of the GCC community and stakeholders are cordially invited to participate in this crucial phase of the search.

To facilitate engagement and input from various stakeholders, GCC will host Community Open Sessions as follows:

  • Tuesday, Oct. 17, from 3:30 - 4:15 p.m. at Conable Technology Building, Room T119
  • Wednesday, Oct. 18, from 9 - 9:45 a.m. at Conable Technology Building, Room T119

In addition to the in-person open sessions, written feedback is welcomed through an online survey, accessible until Friday, October 20. This feedback will be invaluable in crafting the presidential profile.

"Genesee Community College's search for its next president is an exciting and pivotal moment for our institution. We believe that RH Perry's expertise, combined with the valuable input from our GCC community, will help us find the visionary leader who will guide us into a promising future," said Maureen Marshall, GCC Trustee and Search Committee Chair.

Recruitment of presidential candidates is scheduled to begin on Oct. 30, marking the next significant phase of the search process.

For more information about GCC's presidential search process and timeline, please visit or contact Vice President, Development and External Affairs Justin Johnston at (585) 345-6809, or via email:

]]> Oct 9, 2023, 9:50am board of trustees GCC launches nationwide search for fifth president, invites public feedback Press Release <p>Press Release:</p><blockquote><p>Genesee Community College (GCC) is excited to announce the initiation of a nationwide search for the college's fifth president. The GCC Board of Trustees has enlisted the expertise of RH Perry, a distinguished national search firm specializing in higher education, to oversee and manage the presidential search process</p></blockquote>
Two seats up for election on Richmond library's Board of Trustees, vote is May 2 Press release:

Voters who turn out for the Richmond Memorial Library’s annual budget vote and trustee election this year will see something new on the ballot: two vacancies. The current board authorized the creation of a sixth trustee position at its February meeting.

Now they seek candidates to fill it in the election to be held Thursday, May 2.

“They don’t only want to grow in size, but in skill and in diversity,” Library Director Bob Conrad explains. “We have always needed people with legal training and financial training, [and] people who are big readers, obviously. That hasn’t changed.

"But now libraries need people with IT skills and A/V skills, and people who watch movies and play video games.”

Library trustees are publicly elected volunteers who provide fiduciary oversight of the library’s spending. They also advise the Library Director on operations and in setting long-range goals.

“We’re lucky to have an HR professional on our board,” Conrad gives as one example. “But we have this beautiful old building, and nobody from the building trades on our board.”

The Richmond board meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Monday almost every month. Meetings last about two hours, and a single term is for five years, starting at the July 8 meeting.

A full description of the duties and responsibilities of a public library trustee in New York is available in a handbook published by the Division of Library Development:

To qualify for the ballot, candidates need to have lived in the library’s service area – the Batavia City School District – for at least three years preceding the election. They must also file a petition with the library, signed by at least 25 other residents, by 5 p.m. on April 2.

Blank petitions are available at the library now, during regular hours. The library is located at 19 Ross St. in the City of Batavia.

After the May 2 election – which also places a library budget increase of $25,350 on the ballot – the library’s bylaws permit the board to continue growing annually, through election and appointment, up to 15, the maximum allowed by charter.

For more information, contact Library Director Robert Conrad at 585-343-9550, ext. 7, or at

Richmond Memorial Library continually provides access to physical and virtual resources and services that meet the educational, informational and recreational needs of its diverse community in a safe and comfortable environment. Learn more at

]]> Mar 12, 2019, 3:50pm board of trustees Two seats up for election on Richmond library's Board of Trustees, vote is May 2 Billie Owens <p><em>Press release:</em></p> <p>Voters who turn out for the Richmond Memorial Library’s annual budget vote and trustee election this year will see something new on the ballot: two vacancies. The current board authorized the creation of a sixth trustee position at its February meeting.</p> <p>Now they seek candidates to fill it</p>