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Today's Poll: Should the state ban the sale of realistic-looking toy guns?

By Howard B. Owens
C. M. Barons

Realistic toy guns- no problem with that. And each gun should come with a ream of authentic, blank Death Certificates, requiring one be completed for each kill.

I assume the question infers the use of toy guns during commission of a crime. In which case the perpetrator(s) should be charged and prosecuted as armed regardless of real or replica weapon.

Jul 29, 2009, 12:40pm Permalink
Bea McManis

Posted by C. M. Barons on July 29, 2009 - 12:40pm
Realistic toy guns- no problem with that.

I assume the question infers the use of toy guns during commission of a crime. In which case the perpetrator(s) should be charged and prosecuted as armed regardless of real or replica weapon.

Totally agree.

Jul 29, 2009, 3:43pm Permalink
John Woodworth JR

Why do toy makers find it necessary to produce toy guns that look authentic? What is the purpose? Toy guns should be toy guns and can look like a gun minus the black paints and acessories that make its' appearance to be authentic. We have two plastic pellet guns that we use for training and both are clear and you can see what is within them.

It is crucial for an officer to know what he/she is dealing with. Officers have to be able to process a threat in a faction of a second. If they fail, then they usually end up on a wall of honor as a Fallen Hero or suffering through life with guilt, inability to deal with taking another life, or severe medical issues.

I remember as child playing cowboys and indians, cops and robbers, US Soldier vs Commies (Russian, China, Vietnam and North Korea.) Now it seems with the video world they play as a hitman, gangster, or saving the world from an alien invasion. Teaching of just taking a life for being different is wrong.


It comes down to us as PARENTS to teach right from wrong, respect for your fellow man and without trying to sound too religious: Respect one's right to live and only GOD as the right to take the life of his children.

Jul 29, 2009, 6:19pm Permalink
Doug Yeomans

This is just more useless legislation. When's the last time you heard about a cop shooting someone because they thought a REAL gun was pointing at them when in actuality it was a toy? I think if you make a hand gesture at a cop with any object while they have you at gunpoint they could easily perceive it a threat, real looking or not. If a cop has you at gunpoint and you're dumb enough to point your cell phone at him/her, you're going to get shot.

Where does it all end? We don't need legislation that protects people from themselves. those problems sort themselves out in the long run.

While we're on the subject of useless legislation, laws against texting while driving are a waste of tax dollars. If you cause an accident or "near-accident" while texting, there's already a law covering it. It's called reckless driving.

Jul 30, 2009, 8:38pm Permalink

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