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Conversations with Calliope- Dialogue with My Muse

By Joseph Langen


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(Night entrance)

JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. I missed you Saturday.
JOE: I know. I got caught up in website development, e-commerce, etc. and never made it here.
CALLIOPE: Did you have a busy weekend?
JOE: Yes. We were out socially Friday and Saturday evenings and as I said I worked on my website. Yesterday I just felt a need to relax.
CALLIOPE: Not a bad idea. Did you mention a book review last week?
JOE: Yes. I have been reading Richard Bayer's The Good Person Handbook and am planning to review it.
CALLIOPE: Tell me about the book.
JOE: It approaches many of the ideas I pursued in Commonsense Wisdom for Everyday Life.
CALLIOPE: Does it differ in some ways?
JOE: He is much more structured than I am. He is organized from page one and presents an orderly flow of ideas, one building on another.
CALLIOPE: Do you like that approach than the one you took?
JOE: Not necessarily. Mine is organized into categories. although not as structured in its development. I have had readers say they like to be able to read a brief self contained passage on a particular topic without belaboring it.
CALLIOPE: How does his book compare with yours?
JOE: I think we have different approaches. Some people like ideas to flow in strict order and others like more spontaneity. I think there is room for both approaches. Talk with you tomorrow.

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