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Happy Father's Day

By Tammy Tiberio-Prevost

As I sit here, drinking a cup of coffee and eating a burned pancake, I can't help but rejoice in being a dad. The smile of pride, love and admiration on my young boy's face is exactly the reason we are all here. Please, on this misty, cold morning, take the time to consider what is important......your family, your friends, your neighbors, your community. Disregard the trappings of what I have, what my job is, how nice my yard needs to be. The most rewarding, fulfilling job that I've ever had is being a father. Not always easy, but always embraced.

Happy fathers day to all the dads out there. Make sure if you haven't wished yours a good day, and you can, do it. It'll make his day whether hes 29 or 89. God bless.

Tammy Tiberio-Prevost

Lol.. I just noticed my wife signed up an account! Well, the above was written by her husband Bud. All you yahoos better be nice to her :)

Jun 21, 2009, 9:20am Permalink

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