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Folks brave snowy weather to watch a movie at the library

By Daniel Crofts

Despite predictions of a snowstorm, 18 brave souls made it to the Richmond Memorial Library Thursday for "Reel Discussions," a monthly program -- free and open to the public -- for library patrons who like to watch and discuss movies (as well as enjoy refreshments).

RD is run by Rita McCormack, media services librarian at RML, and takes place at 6 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of every month. During each meeting, patrons watch a feature-length film from the library's collection and discuss it afterwards. Refreshments include bottles of water and treats ranging from cookies to cupcakes to cake (and sometimes bags of white cheddar popcorn).

For more information on the program, please see RML's Media Services page or call the library at (585) 343-9550.

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