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Law and Order: Oakfield woman accused of trying to steal nearly $400 in merchandise from Kmart

By Howard B. Owens

Annette Joy Waleski, 45, of South Pearl Street Road, Oakfield, is charged with petit larceny, possession of burglar tools and criminal mischief, 4th. Waleski is accused of trying to stealing $399.77 worth of merchandise from Kmart. Waleski allegedly used a cutting tool in the process of the attempted thefts.

Lindsay Ann Skivington, 24, of Cook Road, Byron, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Skivington is accused of allowing her infant child into contact with the infant's father, Michael Jamil, in violation of an order of protection. Skivington allegedly brought the child to Jamil's residence.

Philip R. Ayala, 25, of Melville Street, Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Ayala was allegedly observed by members of the Local Drug Task Force smoking marijuana while in a vehicle on Clinton Street Road, Bergen. Following a traffic stop, Ayala was allegedly found in possession of marijuana. Uniformed deputies assisted in the arrest.

George Richardson

$399.77 and a set of bolt cutters. Let me guess, a fancy gas grill or a woodfired pit smoker and she's charged the same as a $3 piece of crappy grocery store pizza scarfed down by a hungry 20 year old guy. That's what makes America so great, the inequality. But obviously I'm just a dirty stinking hippie freeloader who is trying to wage class warfare on the Koch Brother billionaires who love America and wear flag pins so please ignore this post, like I know you always do and I thank you for that. Everyone needs a place to rant and I feel right at home when I do, under my own name no less. That part is hard sometimes.
Correction: Snow Blower, what was I thinking?

Nov 3, 2011, 12:58pm Permalink
George Richardson

I've been thinking about this second listing for awhile and it comes down to this. The baby mama had a fight with the baby daddy and called the police. The police told the baby daddy to stay the hell away from the baby mama and all was swell. Then the baby mama and the baby daddy starts talking again and whispering sweet nothings into the ears that they were boxing a lil' while ago and the next thing you know it all turns to shit again. Damn baby mama, keep the police out of it until you are sure and then shoot the SOB with a BB gun ten times in the groin.
-This is not legal advice, it's illegal advice, but do it anyway.

Nov 3, 2011, 3:26pm Permalink
George Richardson

Doug, it's easy to plan a crime. The real test comes upon implementation and few succeed. I had to quit doing stupid shit once my mom couldn't save my ass anymore. Well, not totally, just potentially criminal stuff.

Nov 3, 2011, 3:41pm Permalink
Jamie Lindsley

At this very same kmart four years agoAnnette Waleski was arrested for leaving her newborn baby unattended in a vehicle in the parking lot. Perhaps she was celebrating the anniversary of her arrest with a little five finger discount.

Nov 3, 2011, 7:26pm Permalink
Amy Platten

Annette sounds like a real winner. She needs to find a rich man to buy her the stuff she was trying to steal or get a job. She deserves what she gets.

Nov 4, 2011, 10:46am Permalink

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