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Today's Poll: Do you agree with the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial?

By Howard B. Owens
Mark Brudz

That is right on Dave, Dershowitz is among many lawyers that I have heard say the exact same thing in recent days.

Angela Corey and her assistants are already facing sanctions in Florida for withholding information from a magistrate that likely would have prevented the this from going to trial in the first place.

Jul 15, 2013, 3:12pm Permalink
Jeff Allen

The jury came to the only conclusion they could have given the facts presented to them. When you strip away the emotion, the political agendas, the misrepresentations by the media, and apply logic and critical thinking, the verdict should restore ones faith in the system, not undermine it. First, there are the facts as presented in the trial, many of which contradicted the false narrative created by the media. They created a slew of reasonable doubt through inconsistent and contradictory testimony by prosecution witnesses along with many of the states witnesses supporting the defenses case. Second, minus witnesses, testimony, and/or facts previously unknown and not utilized that would have done something to solidify the states argument, the prosecution did a terrible job making it's case. Third is the jury. A mixed race group of all women who knew that a not guilty verdict would create the backlash it did would have had to willfully ignore the facts presented to them and in turn place their own lives in danger through death threats voiced before and after the trial. The initial tragedy of the case is that another young person is now a statistic, the secondary tragedy would have been for George Zimmerman to have become a legal statistic at the hands of an overzealous mob mentality that ignores our system of jurisprudence and seeks to convict on whimsey, revenge, and political correctness instead of facts.

Jul 15, 2013, 3:55pm Permalink

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