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Today's Poll: Should Batavia have a public pool?

By Howard B. Owens
John Roach

The pool at the Y was owned by the city at one time and managed by the Y under a contract. But do to poor oversight by the City and the death of two young people, the pool was closed for awhile. It was then sold to the Y, which has done a great job with it since it took ownership.

Jun 21, 2012, 11:17am Permalink
Kyle Couchman

Still doesnt answer my question.... Arent public pools open at certain times and for a fee? Most are so the difference public or private owned is moot. The only public swimming areas that are free are usually beaches unless they are in a park system that requires an entry fee.

Jun 21, 2012, 12:09pm Permalink
Daniel Jones

I think that given the costs and tax increases that will have to come with it, it should probably be done by referendum. If the public wants a pool, with the big price tag that comes with building/operating one, then they should be given a direct say on whether it should happen. Normally I'd say this is a decision for Council, but a project of this magnitude should be left up to the voters.

Jun 21, 2012, 1:45pm Permalink

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