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Today's Poll: Should New York build four more casinos?

By Howard B. Owens
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Good article pointing out the obvious...bad idea. Another case of NY arriving after the party is done. NY should allow the existing racinos to expand to real casinos, and abandon the 4 new ones.

Aug 11, 2014, 10:39am Permalink
david spaulding

N.Y.S. will do what ever they can to get into your wallet. you could give those idiots in Albany all the money in the world and they'd go broke.... they hold the carrot in front of us with the promise of JOBS, I wonder if these will be union jobs with a decent wage or the minimum wage type.....NYS has a tax on everything they can think of and now they have come up with a stupid idea of preying on the compulsive gambler who thinks he or she is going to get ahead by sticking money into a machine or tossing dice and playing cards.
.... did not some people from Batavia recently go to jail and lose their jobs because of gambling?... oh wait a minute, it's illegal to gamble in NY unless N Y S gets the proceeds.
this state makes me sick and before you tell me "if I don't like it, leave" I am leaving as soon as I retire.

Aug 11, 2014, 6:51pm Permalink

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