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Today's Poll: Should Speaker Sheldon Silver resign his assembly seat?

By Howard B. Owens
Dave Olsen

He used taxpayer money to settle an assemblyman's sexual harassment suite without anyone's approval. Who does he think he is? Boss Tweed?

Also, Lopez should be removed from office, either there is a zero tolerance policy or there isn't. If a state employee of some agency sexually harasses a subordinate, they'd be fired, period. Or at least should be. Who does Lopez think HE is? Bill Clinton?

Sep 6, 2012, 9:18am Permalink
Mark Brudz

Any politician,needs to be removed if he is guilty of sexual harrasment, period end of story.

No public funds should EVER be used to avoid a trial or lawsuit which is what the settlement actually was Period, end of story.

And any politician that accomodates that should be removed, period end of story.

I agree totally with Mr. Olsen on this.

Sep 6, 2012, 9:42am Permalink
Peter O'Brien

I said no.

The state wastes so much money on stupid shit, what does this matter?

Let me know when tax payer money is being spent wisely by any politician and then I might get bothered by this.

Sep 6, 2012, 11:38am Permalink
Daniel Jones

Absolutely and unequivocally yes. Having worked in Albany for the only Democrat to have ever voted against Boss Shelly Silver, Mark Schroeder, I can tell you that he isn't part of the problem in Albany, he is the problem. Every bit of stalled progress that should be happening to bring New York into the 21st century has met its death at the Speaker's office. His corruption? Unbelievable. His arrogance? Untenable. Never has there been a man that needed to be booted out of Albany in the history of this state more than Sheldon Silver. This latest scandal is finally revealing that the Emporer has no clothes. We finally have a Governor that is skilled enough to outmaneuver him, but an Albany without Boss Shelly is a much brighter place.

Sep 6, 2012, 11:54am Permalink
Dave Olsen

Peter, what do you mean "What does it matter?" Of course it matters on a couple of fronts. First: Silver does not have a personal slush fund ( sorry, I mean, should not have) to buy off problems for his toadys. Second: Vito Lopez should pay his own settlements, not us. Lastly, and most importantly: as a father, husband, son, brother, uncle, brother in law and friend to many women, I am angry as hell that this bullshit is allowed to go on. ALL people have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as I'm quite fond of saying. If some lech is invading a woman's rights, than I sure as hell don't want them or their enablers on the state's payroll. And neither should you.

Sep 6, 2012, 12:11pm Permalink
Peter O'Brien

No I am saying I just don't care anymore. This case should come as no surprise to anyone. The people of NY continue to vote their money away, so why should I be surprised that it gets used in this manner?

Until the tax payers of this state start voting for their money to be used properly, there is no reason to worry about one assemblyman when there are plenty of others.

Should he face criminal charges on the case and be convicted, then by all means remove him.

Sep 6, 2012, 2:59pm Permalink
Kyle Couchman

And so Peter gives up and adds his submerges his voice in the apathy of everything going on in Albany. So I guess since you dont care anymore Peter we wont be hearing anything from you over any further Political issues until everyone else begins to care or change the status that what you are sayin?

Sep 6, 2012, 3:17pm Permalink
Mark Brudz

Peter, Daniel said it best, Silver is not part of the problem He IS the problem. There is a ton of bipartisan and common sense legislation that this my way or the highway hack has killed over at least a decade.

Sheldon Silver exemplifies the My personal Power First what is best for State and it's citizens be damned. Anyone who even mildly understands NY State politics knows this.

And a Huge Ditto on Dave Olsen's statement as well.

Sep 6, 2012, 4:22pm Permalink
Daniel Jones

If Shelly gets the boot, we're all better off. A few years ago a very brave NYC Democrat put up a good primary fight (it's like GLOW except for the other side, no way will a Republican win), but fell way short of knocking him off. The best hope I think is an alliance between upstate Democrats (should they get the gravitas) and Republicans to elect a consensus Speaker, but there I go dreaming again. I can imagine that Silver will stay on until he is indicted.

Sep 7, 2012, 12:10am Permalink

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