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Today's Poll: Should the U.S. negotiate a nuclear arms deal with Iran?

By Howard B. Owens
Sam Tambe Jr.

Only if the Nuclear arms deal means that there is NO way Iran gets nuclear arms! As soon as they do you know darn well they'll sell them to terrorists "hell bent" on causing harm to the US and/or Israel. Islams goal is to take over the world and rule it under Sharia Law PERIOD! They will do anything including lie, cheat, steal, kill or use nukes on innocent people to accomplish that goal. Why do people have such a hard time seeing this?? Have we become so politically correct that we have blinded ourselves to reality??

The United States will never fall to an invading army from the outside..but only from the inside out due to terrorist who we've let become citizens or sleeper cells of extremists. Funny how political correctness works that way. Being a Desert Storm Veteran with Anti-communist/socialist beliefs and someone who is a Christian and conservative my government believes that I'm a threat...but not Muslims. WAKE UP AMERICA!!

Nov 13, 2013, 12:45pm Permalink
Jeff Allen

Successful negotiations depend on achievable common ground and the stability of both parties. If you are ready to equate Rouhani, Khrushchev, and Hitler then your argument can be supported. I can't equate the three, therefore negotiations are not possible. The most important piece of the Iran puzzle is that their president is a figurehead puppeted by the Ayatollah. When one party has the destruction of the other party as it's stated goal, then there is no foundation for negotiations.

Nov 13, 2013, 1:46pm Permalink
Scott Ogle

"Successful negotiations depend on achievable common ground and the stability of both parties."

Quite so. And Khrushchev famously said the Soviet Union would 'bury' us. I suppose this would fulfill your criteria for the impossibility of negotiation. Yet he became much more pragmatic when the chips were down. Negotiations may succeed or fail, but it's pointless to rule them out of hand. Times and circumstance and personalities change. Otherwise the best course is the Curtis LeMay route -- nuke 'em as soon as possible to make sure they can't get in the game to begin with.

Nov 13, 2013, 2:23pm Permalink
Sam Tambe Jr.


Read the Quran and study Islam before you make such an educated comment.
Generalize? How many terror attacks have Christians been responsible for over the past 50 years? Islams Clerics have issued Fatwas and Jihads against the U.S. and Israel. The Quran calls Muslims to kill anyone who does not submit to Islam. Keep your eyes closed and ears covered to reality pal!!

God Bless (no sarcasm intended)

Nov 13, 2013, 5:05pm Permalink

Iran? I think the only thing we should do, is give them an up close and personal view of exactly how a nuclear device works......they can even take notes if they want to..........BANG-POOF, no problem.

Nov 13, 2013, 11:35pm Permalink

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