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Today's Poll: Who will win the AFC East?

By Howard B. Owens
bud prevost

Kevin Kolb was never going to start anyway, the job belongs to EJ Manuel. As an AZ Cards fan, I can attest to this QB's fragility. Bills need many prayers that Manuel is decent, and stays healthy. Matt Leinart? Apparently, the Bills are dead set on giving every has been Cardinal Qb a shot. Who's next, Jake Plummer?

Aug 26, 2013, 10:45am Permalink
Dave Olsen

I agree Bud, Kolb wasn't the guy. EJ Manuel is or at least will be someday. I'm hoping for a Jim Plunkett type re-surgence for Leinart.

I'm a 44 year Bills fan, wishful thinking is what we do.

If Kolb's in as much danger as it appears, I hope for his and his family's sake, he hangs up his cleats. Easy for me to say, I know, but the melon can only withstand so many hits.

Aug 26, 2013, 12:07pm Permalink
Dave Olsen

I'm talking about Matt Leinart. (I'd be surpised if Kolb's career is not over) Plunkett and Leinart's situations are similar, Heisman winners, much ballyhooed coming into the NFL, show a few flashes early, then fell apart & bounced around. Plunkett was in his 10th year and had been there a couple years as backup before he took over the Raiders. The difference is that Leinart is new to the team and only 7 years in. Like I said, I'm a Bills fan, it's all i Got. LOL

Aug 26, 2013, 12:28pm Permalink
bud prevost

Dave, I meant Leinart as well. He never started a full season, and made it past 6 games in a season one time. I hope he does have a resurgence, but the chances of that are slimly slim.

Aug 26, 2013, 3:28pm Permalink
Dave Olsen

Yeah, I'm thinking it's going to be pretty grim until Manuel gets back and then he's going to have a lot of ups and downs because he's a rookie.

The season hasn't even started and i almost wrote, Well there's always next year. LOL

Aug 26, 2013, 3:41pm Permalink
Tim Miller

Dullfins? pshaw... they are in bad of a mess as any team in the league.

Jets? phooey... a couple good years where everything clicked, but then down the toilet. Still swirling this year. At least wasn't knocked out by a linesman's buttocks this year.

Bills? I did like the new annually recurring Bills motto noted above - "It's a Rebuilding Year!"

Patriots? Gotta give it to them. It seems like they manage to put *something* together each year. Shoot - even the year they lost Brady in game 1 they managed a good record, just not good enough for the playoffs.

Aug 27, 2013, 10:41pm Permalink

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