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Letter to the Editor: City should make sure oil change waste is properly disposed


From Donald Weyer:

Quick and speedy automobile oil-change business proposed for that little patch of land at the eastern entrance to the Valu Plaza in the city of Batavia. 

I'm certain Doug Randall, the city's majordomo of buildings inspection; the city Planning Board; and ultimately, the honorable City Council, and respected City Manager, will all join hands and solemnly swear to ensure that the proposed business will dispose of the used and waste and pollution-inducing oil pulled out of the cars, in an environmentally friendly manner, and also in accordance with human health and ecosystem safety regulations.

Because we; me, you, and Hennessy, in Lil Wayne's words, don't want to foot another cleanup bill for the desecration of the land, that we are currently paying for in two stages, not one stage, at the former junkyard on Bank Street; at the former Trojan site on Clinton Street; and in the future, I suspect, on the site just west of the Ellicott Station on Ellicott Street.  All formerly privately-owned properties, and in Batavia.  There probably is more destroyed land in Batavia that we're not aware of yet.

Anyway, why weren't the owners, or their estates, or their insurance companies, made to cough up the millions needed to clean up their messes?  Instead of N.Y.State, which translates to you and me!  I'm sure that you and I could use the extra cash in our pockets, instead of paying it out to right these private businesses' wrongs!

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