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Acting city manager's deep roots, varied past converge in path to make a better, brighter future

By Mike Pettinella


On June 22, Bergen native Rachael Tabelski assumed the role of Batavia’s Acting City Manager, replacing Martin Moore, who departed after about 20 months on the job.

The Batavian sat down with Tabelski at her office at City Hall earlier this week to learn more about her life experiences and her thoughts on being thrust into the municipality’s leadership position.

Today’s first part of a two-part feature focuses on her upbringing, education and influences.

Monday's second part provides insight into her tenure with the Genesee County Economic Development Center and Batavia Development Corporation, and an update on City management projects and priorities.


“I believe that every position that I have taken in the community – starting with working with Assemblyman Steve Hawley and then moving to the (Genesee County) Economic Development Center to the Batavia Development Corporation to Assistant City Manager and now Acting City Manager – has been, for me personally, a step to better serve the residents of the City of Batavia.”

Buoyed by the preceding statement, Rachael Tabelski says she is ready, willing and able to manage the City of Batavia staff and work in tandem with City Council to make the community and Genesee County “better than we were yesterday.”

Time will tell whether the lifelong Genesee County resident becomes Batavia’s next permanent city manager but, at this juncture, Tabelski said she is more concerned with applying what she has learned to help move the City forward.

Tabelski’s journey to her current station began as an inquisitive daughter of Joan Fodge, who is one of 11 children of a family that put down its roots in the eastern part of Genesee County just as the U.S. Civil War was drawing to a close.

“My grandfather, Adrian Fodge, was an engineer working for GRS (General Railway Signal) in Rochester, which is now Alstom (Signaling), where my mother works,” said Tabelski, a 2000 graduate of Byron-Bergen Central School. “He also had a hobby farm in the Town of Bergen.”

She said that her great-great-grandfather came over from Ireland in 1865.

“The same time Lincoln’s body was traveling the country on the railway, I’m imagining this gentleman coming over through New York City and into the Stafford-Le Roy-Bergen area,” she offered.


Tabelski said her family’s varied interests and careers made for enlightening discussions at family reunions.

“We have scientists and engineers in our very big family, which I’m very proud of, and they were always interested in learning more, so I guess that’s where I get it from,” she said. “I never assume I know everything about anything. I really walk into every situation wanting to learn more -- to understand it -- and I think that’s what makes me a good fit for the City of Batavia in terms of my attitude.”

After graduating from high school, Tabelski enrolled at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Va., a move precipitated by her interest in books by acclaimed murder mystery novelist Patricia Cornwell.

“It was because I read books authored by Patricia Cornwell, based off the medical examiner in Richmond, Virginia,” she said. “I researched it and found out that this college has a Forensic Science program. But I wasn’t great at science, and I learned that when I went there and spent a few semesters there.”

Tabelski then discovered the Public Safety/Crime Scene Investigation technical degree program at the State University of New York at Canton.

"That was big then. The show ("CSI") had just come out. It was great,” she recalled.

She said students would take cars, make skid marks and measure them, and also would dress up in suits on certain days to investigate mock crime scenes on the campus.

“I never thought I would understand science until I applied that. We did fingerprinting and got tested on it,” she said. “It really was fun."


After earning her bachelor’s degree in 2005, Tabelski did a six-month internship with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office under the guidance of Ron Harling.

“He was a great mentor and I encountered a wide range of experiences,” she said.

One of those was accompanying a police officer while on patrol.

“The first question they asked was do you know how to use this – a shotgun? Do you have my back?” she said. “I was like, ‘I don’t know how to use a shotgun. Do I have your back? I’m the intern.'"

She said she took a couple of civil service tests in Monroe County that didn’t pan out, and decided that becoming a police officer wasn’t in the cards.

“Harling had mentioned a program called Public Administration at SUNY Brockport, so I enrolled in that,” she said. “And it was an amazing program with amazing professors who taught a really different way to think about government.”

She went on to explain the thought process.

“Most people think about government as a need to keep their job. So, it’s difficult – with little or big problems – to solve them because if you solve the problem, what happens to your job? We were taught to think differently. Your job is to solve problems and if it means that works you out of a job, so be it. You’ll find something greater, something bigger.”


Tabelski earned a master’s degree in Public Administration in 2008, while also entering the political arena as a legislative aide to Assemblyman Stephen Hawley and as a council member on the Bergen Town Board.

She left those posts in September 2010 when she was hired by the Genesee County Economic Development Center as the director of marketing and communications. She credited Hawley and GCEDC President Steve Hyde for expanding her knowledge of finances.

“I feel that I am strong in the financial field because of my work at the economic development center -- everything I did in terms of data and analysis and financial analysis, I certainly can attribute to the work there,” she said. “Steve Hyde was a great mentor and Steve Hawley was as well as far as understanding the legislative process in Albany.”

She said that working for Hyde and the GCEDC was like embarking upon more post-graduate studies.

“I got an MPA from Brockport and from Steve Hyde I got an MBA. I went to the Steve Hyde school of business,” she said. “He’s the most creative financial mind I’ve ever met, and he helped me understand how to be creative with finances in a positive way, not in a sneaky way. He showed me how to look at things differently and how to be very creative with finances.”

She said Hawley instilled in her the value of listening to others en route to finding solutions.

“I think Steve Hawley taught me that working with persons of any affiliation toward a common goal is the most important thing you can do,” she said. “Working with all sides of the aisle to achieve a common goal is more important than any type of affiliation. That’s the biggest lesson I learned from him.”

Tabelski said the community is fortunate to have the support of Hawley and agencies such as the GCEDC along with the “talented people” who are working for the City of Batavia.


“We have an amazing, competent staff that works very, very hard,” she said. “When you have staff in the City that believes in the City, that changes everything. And the same goes when your residents believe in their City.”

She said traces her “belief” in the City to several years ago when she was working for the GCEDC. She and her husband, Adam, and their young children moved to Batavia from Medina, where Adam was village mayor.

“We moved here because we loved the direction in which the City was heading. We saw what the previous manager (Jason Molino) was doing and the previous Council had done, and believed that Batavia was on the upswing,” she said, adding that her husband completed his duty as mayor and deployment with the National Guard.

Tabelski said she was impressed with the manner in which Molino promoted Batavia.

“I have a very high regard for his financial acumen and his ability to drive excitement,” she said. “I don’t know what he was like as a manager internally, but externally he drove excitement. When you met him, you felt like you wanted to be in Batavia. You heard about all the good things going on – the rehabbing of downtown and the Brownfield projects.”


It was during her employment with Hawley’s organization that Tabelski met her future husband.

“There was a local government conference where they had a train to Albany with government officials from Genesee and Orleans counties,” she said. “Adam was a trustee at the time, so I called, said ‘I need you to sign up; we need five more people to make this trip happen.’ ”

She said that Adam, who was then working for Sen. George Maziarz, replied, “If I become mayor, I will sign up. I said, sure you will become mayor.”

He did become the mayor of Medina – at the same time that she was serving on the Bergen Town Board.

“We had a lot of things in common,” she said, “and we got married in 2011.”

The couple has a son, Adrian, 8, and a daughter, Anna, 5. Both attend St. Joseph Regional School in Batavia.

Adam served on the Batavia City Council for more than three years but had to step down when his wife accepted the assistant city manager job in August.


Watch for part two on Monday.

Photo by Mike Pettinella.

Patriot tot in Batavia waves the stars and stripes

By Billie Owens

Photo courtesy of reader Barbara Penrod, who wrote us yesterday saying: "My daughter took this picture of my grandson who is very proud of his country and he's only 2 years old. He lives in Batavia with his mom and dad and little brother. Thought it may make someone smile."

Logan is on the lam and Alexander owner is looking for him

By Billie Owens

This photo was taken of poor lost "Logan" a couple years ago sporting a smart Christmas kerchief. His owner, Vicki Manns, said he looks pretty much the same these days, even though he's a whopping 14 years old. Lucky for him.

What's not looking lucky is Logan's chance of survival if he's not soon found. The Alaskan malamute-husky mix is blind and very nearly deaf. He requires three different medications: one for hip dysplasia; one to balance the pH of his urine; and another for his thyroid, which also staves off potentially deadly seizures.

Logan got out of his pen at 10453 Brookville Road in Alexander yesterday, July 3, at about 11 a.m.

"I was mowing his pen and, unfortunately, I left the gate open and forgot I left it open, and out the door he went," Manns said this afternoon.

Manns has contacted and informed people at the Genesee County Animal Shelter as well as the Wyoming County Animal Shelter.

"I am completely lost without him," Manns said emphatically. "He's my comfort, my companion. He kind of saved me. ...from bad relationships, and I saved him."

Logan and his sister had a nice home until a motorcycle accident killed their owners. They were split up and Logan "went to live with the bad side of the family" and they abused him, according to Manns. The final straw came when his new male owner claimed the dog swiped a candy bar from one of children in the family and he threatened to shoot the dog.

A relative took Logan to a rescue facility in Orchard Park (Erie County) and surrendered him, and he was adopted at age 6 by Manns.

Her new BFF loved the outdoors and brisk walks, and Manns discovered his favorite treat and indulged him -- with carrots.

Logan is "not a repeat offender" with a history of running off and he hasn't been on the lam in a "really, really, really long time," Manns said, because he's too old to get around much anymore.

But nonetheless, he's off somewhere and Manns is at sea emotionally this Independence Day.

So if you see Logan, please phone or text her at (716) 435-0854.

Rochester Regional Health clarifies Cuomo's statement about free statewide testing for COVID-19

By Billie Owens

From Rochester Regional Health:

We have heard of confusion based on the announcement from Governor Andrew Cuomo this week concerning statewide COVID-19 testing being free and open to all patients. We want to clarify to the public what this means.

As per the statement on the ny.govwebsite, if you go to a New York State testing site, it is free and anyone can get tested. If you go to any other site that is not state-run, you must follow the requirements of the specific organization, hospital, company, etc. set forth as far as testing.

At Rochester Regional testing sites we are still not testing everyone. There are certain criteria.

Right now, the closest state-run (free) testing site in the area is Monroe Community College. If any individual wants to get tested, they can do so at this site for free. This is the site (locally) Governor Cuomo was referring to when he said anyone can get tested for free.

This is a fluid situation and testing requirements may change. We will update the public as needed.

Here's a link to test sites:

Please call the testing site or your health care provider before you go for testing.

If you go to a test site run by New York State, there is never any charge for your test.

If you go to a test site operated by local governments, private companies including pharmacies and medical practices or not-for-profit organizations, you are advised to check with the testing site and your insurer in advance of being tested to confirm you will not be responsible for any fees associated with your test.

Please be safe (fireworks are great only if you don’t hurt yourself). Keep your gatherings, if you have them, small and with people you know. Stay socially distanced if you can. If you are in public, wear a mask. If you don’t want to wear a mask, stay home. Wash your hands. Be kind. Have fun. Go Bills! (even if there may be no season or one we are not used to).

Caller reports dog locked inside a black GMC pickup truck

By Howard B. Owens

A caller reports a dog is locked inside a black GMC pickup truck at Dave's Ice Cream on West Main Street Road, Batavia. An officer is responding.

It is about 82 degrees outside.

Weather Outlook (By Billie) 1:29 p.m.:

According to the National Weather Service in Buffalo, starting tomorrow through Friday there is a Hazardous Weather Outlook in place due to an expected prolonged period of heat and humidity that will build across portions of Western New York. It is expected to get between 95 and 100 degrees during those afternoons.

The temperature inside a vehicle can soar quickly on a hot day. For example, if it's 95 degrees outside, say this coming Wednesday, the air termperature inside a vehicle can reach 114 degrees Fahrenheit in 10 minutes flat; if it's 100 degrees outside, the inside temp goes up to 119.

VIDEO: Fireworks at The Ridge NY in Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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The Ridge NY in Le Roy hosted a fireworks display to celebrate Independence Weekend. It is the only professional fireworks display in the county this year.  

Happy Fourth of July! Here is a video of most of the show for your Independence Day celebration. 

For those who tried to watch the livestream last night: Sorry, it just didn't work. There wasn't enough available bandwidth at the campground.

Dennis Wittman, Batavia resident recognized internationally as pioneer in restorative justice, has passed

By Howard B. Owens


Dennis Wittman, the founding director of Genesee Justice, the nation's first county-level agency built around the concepts of restorative justice, has passed away.

He was 77.

Wittman was a probation officer and supervisor in the Town of Bethany when newly elected sheriff Doug Call came to him in 1980 and asked him to be the agency's founding director. At first, Wittman said no. The supervisor's position felt like a second full-time job and the last thing he needed, he told The Batavian in 2010, was to become the head of a program that was untested and may not last.

Then one day in 1981, Wittman was summoned to his supervisor's office. There he found Tom Gillis, his boss, Call, Family Court Judge Charles Graney, and County Judge Glen Morton.

"I could see they were going to pound away on me," Wittman recalled. "I said, 'OK, I'll give it a try.' "

While Wittman reported to the sheriff, officials didn't want him hanging out with detectives or attorneys, so he was given a desk in the law library. He had no staff at first.

As a former seminary student, Wittman's attitude toward offenders already aligned with the goal of finding alternatives to incarceration.  

Call's goal was to cut the inmate population in the Genesee County Jail to help avoid the construction of a new facility.

By the time Wittman retired in 2006, 4,959 offenders had performed community service, doing 356,858 hours of unpaid work.

The alternative to jail had also saved county taxpayers more than $5.9 million because those offenders weren't in jail for the 60,000 days they would have served otherwise.

During his career, Wittman was also concerned about caring for the victims of crime. Under his leadership, Genesee Justice became the lead agency for:

  • Victim's Assistance
  • Judicial Diversion
  • Justice for Children
  • Child Advocacy
  • Justice for Women
  • Release Under Supervision (a Probation Department program until 2002)
  • DWI-Conditional Discharge 

The effort at establishing a government agency dedicated to restorative justice made Wittman an in-demand speaker in the restorative justice community. He traveled to 40 states plus Japan and Canada to talk about his work at Genesee Justice. He received another 2,500 invitations to speak in Europe that he was unable to accept.

To read his obituary, click here.

Previously: The Genesee Justice Story

Photo: File photo from 2010.

VIDEO: Keeping it safe with fireworks for the 4th of July

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Press release:

As we approach the  Fourth of July Independence Day Holiday, Fire Chief Stefano Napolitano of the City of Batavia Fire Department would like to remind the residents of the City of what sparkling devices are allowed by law.

“We want to ensure that our residents enjoy the holiday in a safe and responsible manner,” Napolitano said.

According to the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services "Sparking Devices" are considered, “ground-based or handheld devices that produce a shower of colored sparks and or a colored flame, audible crackling or whistling noise and smoke.”

"These sparkling devices can only be bought and sold from June 1st to July 5th and from December 26th to January 1st in any given year," Napolitano said, furthermore, the law states that “Sales of sparkling devices by certified temporary stands or tents can only occur from June 20th to July 5th and December 26th to January 1st in any given year.”

According to the fire chief, allowable sparkling devices under the law are sparkling fountains, sparklers on wooden sticks (not metal sticks), smoking devices, snakes confetti-filled party poppers and paper-wrapped snappers. Non-allowable and illegal devices include firecrackers, bottle rockets, Roman candles and any other aerial devices.

As a result of COVID-19 canceling many public fireworks displays, Chief Napolitano recommends the following alternatives to celebrate the Fourth of July Holiday without fireworks. Furthermore, these alternatives are pet and children friendly.

  • Use glow sticks; they glow in the dark and are a safe alternative to a sparkler.
  • Use noisemakers; they can be found at a local party supply store.
  • Red, white and blue Silly String.
  • Outdoor movie night. Set up a television or screen and projector.
  • Make patriotic crafts with the family.

Lastly, Napolitano says it is important to take the necessary fire safety precautionary steps when using these devices. Last year there were 18,500 fireworks-related injuries reported in the United States.

If any resident has questions regarding what is allowable or would like information regarding safety precautions, they can call the City of Batavia Fire Headquarters at (585) 345-6375.

Village of Bergen putting state grants to good use in sprucing up downtown

By Virginia Kropf

Photo: This is the new façade on Morgan’s Place on Bergen’s North Lake Street (Main Street). The bar is one of the buildings being restored or repaired with a New York Main Street grant.

Updating and preserving the property in her hometown has been a priority Anna Marie Barclay for many years, especially since she became the mayor of the Village of Bergen.

She was involved for 12 years in the application process to obtain a New York State Main Street grant for Bergen’s downtown, so when they were finally approved last year, she was ecstatic. 

The grants were made available for villages to complete visually prominent projects on Main Street, which included renovation of residential units or projects with historic value or historic properties in danger of being lost in part or in total due to disrepair or damage.

Bergen received $475,000, which is dispersed to property owners on Main Street who may each receive up to $50,000 in matching funds. 

Barclay said the application process was complicated and time consuming, requiring each building owner to submit a plan for improving their property. All applications had to be approved by the New York State Historic Preservation Office.

Recently, Joe Chimino, a member of Bergen’s Hesperus Masonic Lodge #837, and Barclay inspected damage on the front of their buildings, which will be repaired, thanks to the grant.

Barclay said permits have been acquired and a new contractor hired in preparation for work to begin.

The Lodge building, as well as Barclay’s adjoining one, will undergo renovations including replacement of rotted wood, new paint and refinishing front doors. Several store fronts will receive new windows, as well as new heating and air conditioning in the building.

Barclay’s husband, David, has already spent months working in the exterior of their brick building, which will also have the brick repointed. That is the process of renewing the pointing -- the external part of mortar joints -- in masonry construction. Over time, weathering and decay cause voids in the joints between masonry units, usually in bricks, allowing the undesirable entrance of water.

When the Barclays first bought the building, they thought they would fix the front and two apartments upstairs. They put up $25,000 toward the work. David was planning to restore the façade and then they were going to decide what to do with it from there. The building is Victorian, having been built in the 1800s, Barclay said. 

“We want to bring it back to its original status, with historically correct colors,” she said. “We are going to keep the tin ceiling.”

Most recently, the downstairs was a church and rows of pews are still there. Barclay said they envision the space as suitable for a small bistro or an art gallery.

North of Buffalo Road is the block that houses the village offices. Five buildings, all part of the historic renovation, include Morgan’s Place, a totally redone bar with a new façade, new H-vac system, new insulation and new glass front. Work is also being done on two apartments upstairs. The building formerly housed a bank and post office.

Across the street, B.A. Photography, owned by the Schmidts, has an apartment upstairs. The grant will take care of restoring the entire exterior, while keeping the façade original, Barclay said.

Part of the grant was called “Streetscape,” and allows for work enhancing Downtown. Across from the village office, Zuber Park will have a little sidewalk library.

The village’s DPW is building new planters for Downtown and all buildings will have new signs and lighting, paid for by the Streetscape grant. A parking lot adjacent to B.A. Photography will have new planters. An old metal guardrail will be replaced by a wooden one. 

In other Bergen news, Barclay said during the coronavirus pandemic, she has been meeting virtually with all lawmakers throughout Genesee County to discuss how they are all coping during this time. 

“Our budget has been crushed,” she said. “With businesses closed, our sales tax revenue is basically nil.”

On a positive note, Barclay said she and local volunteers delivered 3,200 meals to deserving families since the public health crisis began March 27. Food was donated and meals were prepared at a local church. 

“Our volunteers were amazing,” she said.

Barclay said she was worried about some of individuals and wondered how they would fare now that meal deliveries have stopped. Those names she referred to the county Office for the Aging, she said. 

The village office, which has been closed since March, reopens by appointment next week.

Above photo: Village of Bergen Mayor Anna Marie Barclay points to the tin ceiling in the building at the corner of South Lake Avenue and Buffalo Road, which she and her husband, David, purchased several years ago. The Barclays are planning to renovate the building with assistance from the Main Street Grant, for which the village was approved last year.

Above photo: Joe Chimino, a member of Bergen’s Hesperus Masonic Lodge #837, and Village of Bergen Mayor Anna Marie Barclay look at the building’s deteriorating storefront, which will be repaired with money received from the Main Street Grant.

Photo above: Village of Bergen Mayor Anna Marie Barclay and village administrator Cortney Gale stand in the entrance to the village office on North Lake Street. The office, which has been closed since the coronavirus pandemic began, will open by appointment starting Monday.

Photos courtesy of Virginia Kropf.

Caller reports 20 people jumping in the falls below Log Cabin restaurant

By Billie Owens

A caller to dispatch reports 20 people ("two-zero") are jumping in the falls by the Indian Falls Log Cabin Restaurant. The dispatcher relayed this complaint to a Sheriff's deputy who asked: "I thought were weren't responding to those (calls) anymore?"

After a moment, the dispatcher clarified that law enforcement is to respond to complaints at the site that involve parking violations or trespassing, not just jumping in the falls.

"I will check the roadway to see if anyone needs a ticket," replied the officer.

The location is 1227 Gilmore Road, Corfu.

UPDATE 5:03 p.m. (By Howard): We asked Sheriff William Sheron to clarify the policy and he responded, "we do respond to these calls and enforce violations of the penal law where appropriate. Typically trespass charges for crossing the property of the adjacent landowners. Also, issue tickets for parking violations in the area."

Picnic in the Park will continue virtually this year while flag hangs as usual in Centennial Park

By Howard B. Owens


Press release:

On July 4th, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., GO ART! will be holding their 42nd annual Picnic in the Park, virtually, via YouTube Live.

During this event, they will have bands, dance performances, culinary demonstrations, cow plop bingo, muralists in action, and Explore ART! lessons. 

Please subscribe to their YouTube channel at

Music performances on July 4th will be given by the Batavia Concert Band, No Blarney, Strummerz, Kelly’s Old Timers, Cannon Steel Band, The Old Hippies and Frank Reino (accordion).

Culinary Demonstrations will be performed by Chef Tracy of the Genesee Valley Education Program and Leonel Rosario of Mariachi De Oro. A menu and supply list are on their website at

David Burke will be painting a new mural on one of GO ART!’s interior walls.

Troupe Nisaa Bellydance, The Rosario Family and Shanda Spink will be gracing us with their choreography.

GO ART! staff will be giving art lessons and Uncle Sam will be leading a cow around 500 squares for GO ART!’s first Cow Plop Bingo! More information on the Cow Plop Bingo and a schedule of the days events can be found on GO ART!'s website at

GO ART!’s 42nd Annual Picnic in the Park is brought to you by The Batavian, Lamb Farms, City of Batavia, Tompkins Bank of Castile, Friends of Stephen M. Hawley, Stephen M. Hawley & Assoc. LLC -- a division of Great Lakes Insurance Services Group LLC, New York State Council on the Arts, United Way of Genesee County, United Way of Orleans County, Orleans County Youth Bureau, Rotary Club of Batavia, Turnbull Heating & Air Conditioning, Freed Maxick, CY Farms, Batavia Turf, Lori Goergen, Bob & Linda Knipe, Arc of Genesee Orleans, Paul Figlow, Carrotman Productions, and Albion NY ROCKS.

Photos: American flag that is traditionally hung in Centennial Park for Picnic in the park, which was hung in the park and lit yesterday by Gregory Hallock, executive director of GO ART!


Photos: Snow cones on a hot day in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens


Vivienne Bellavia, 10, of Batavia, and her friend Anna Di Risio, make up a snow cone as part of a hot-day fundraiser for Golisano Children's Hospital.

The girls hoped to raise $200. By 2:30 this afternoon they had raised more than $500.


One new COVID-19 case reported in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

As of 2 p.m.

  • Genesee County received one new positive case of COVID-19, for a total of 225 positive cases.
    • The positive individual resides in Oakfield.
    • The positive individual is in their 20s.
    • The positive individual was on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • Currently no individuals are hospitalized and no individuals have been released from mandatory quarantine.
  • Orleans County received one new positive case of COVID-19, today for a total of 267 positive cases.
    • The positive individual resides in Clarendon.
    • The positive individual is in their 50s.
    • The positive individual was not on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • No individuals have been released from mandatory quarantine.
    • Seven of the total active positive cases are hospitalized. Please note those in the hospital may be from the community or a state-regulated facility. We do not separate them out to protect their privacy.

NOTE: Public health will not release an update again until Monday.

City school district forms task force to discuss reopening plan for the fall

By Mike Pettinella

The Batavia City School District is forming a Reopen Batavia Strong Task Force to be partly comprised of parents and students to assist in sharing information and formulating a plan going into the next school year.

Superintendent Anibal Soler Jr., in a tweet on the district's website, wrote that "your input and participation in our reopening plans is vital."

Those interested in joining the committee are asked to send an email to by Wednesday, July 8. The email should include the person's first and last name, best email address and phone number. 

Parents are asked to state where their children are enrolled and students are asked to identify their school and grade level for the 2020-21 school year.

The task force's first meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. Friday, July 10, likely in a virtual format.

Soler has indicated that three options are on the table at this point -- full in-person school attendance, a hybrid model of in-school and remote learning, and a 100-percent remote learning environment.

Accident blocking traffic at West Main and Lewiston

By Billie Owens

A two-vehicle accident that is blocking traffic is reported in the city at West Main Street and Lewiston Road. City fire and Mercy medics are responding. Unknown injuries.

UPDATE 3:23 p.m.: At least one of the vehicles has been removed from the roadway.

UPDATE 3:31 p.m.: The vehicle that allegedly caused the accident left the scene, heading westbound on Route 5. The 2005 Honda Odyssey (color not given) is said the be registered to an owner on Transit Road. An officer is going to try and locate the vehicle and owner.

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Tags: garage sales

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