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A community of emergency response assists those in need during storm

By Joanne Beck

Friday was one of those days for emergency responders when it seemed as though rescues and accidents made for a nonstop blur of duty.

Oakfield firefighter Bill Sturgeon’s day began around 11 a.m., and he was still on duty late into the night. And in between, there was a family from Lockport that went off the road, a Connecticut couple stuck in another spot and a boyfriend-girlfriend duo attempting a drive back to her home in Toronto.

Yet many others were out and about for unknown or frivolous reasons — one pair was going to the Rez — which perplexed the veteran firefighter.

“I thought, ‘where’s everybody going?’ The chief and third assistant pulled up to one car and asked them ‘where are you going?’ They said Canada and the chief said no, you’re not,” Sturgeon said. “We’re calling around trying to find hotel rooms. The Holiday Inn Express said they were all full, and (Chief) Sean Downing called them. They said they had two more rooms that had been shut down and needed to be cleaned. They literally opened rooms because the fire department asked them.”

Throughout the extreme weather event — an understatement, maybe — Sturgeon was awed by the cooperation of that hotel staff; Dollar General, which remained open while the stranded visitors could buy up supplies, snacks and even dog food; and the (GOOSE) Community Center’s willingness to open its doors to temporarily house people.

Plus, no doubt, the ample numbers of rescue workers from city, village, town and county law enforcement, emergency management, rescue and public works departments.

“We’re doing our best to get out there. There was a welfare check on an elderly couple; everything was fine. You have to pick and choose who you can help, and also be safe,” he said. “We’re going to take it and adjust as we see fit, and the weather sees fit. I imagine the ambulance will be here all night.”

He came upon Michael Santaferrara, who was driving from New York City to Lewiston, at the intersection of Lewiston Road and Main Street. The lost driver had been rerouted a few times and asked where he could settle in for a while. Firefighters directed the lost driver to the fire hall; however, accidents and road detours made for a more difficult journey than Santaferrara expected, he said. (See related story.)

Oakfield crews brought food into the fire hall, cooked up grilled cheese sandwiches, and served other items, including towels and blankets, to people as they ended up stranded in their travels.

A Genesee County travel ban was issued by early afternoon after multiple accidents and vehicles sliding off the road wreaked havoc with emergency response. At least one ambulance and a rescue truck got stuck as well, Sturgeon said.

Amidst all of the commotion, one brilliant occurrence was evident, he said.

“The amazement of all the firefighters here, and across the county, the Sheriff’s (personnel), everybody working together, in the interest of the public, to do what they can,” he said. “It’s huge. To see people pull together. It takes a community to come together for something like this. I saw that today.”

Motorists rescued, fed, kept warm during travel on Friday

By Joanne Beck

Michael Santaferrara got up early Friday morning to drive from Cazenovia to see his sisters in the western part of the state. He thought all was well while after driving about 140 miles on the Thruway.

“Then they closed it because of all the crashes,” the New York City visitor told The Batavian Friday night. “Once I left the Thruway, my whole world changed. Within seconds, I felt like I was in the Arctic. It was a complete whiteout. I was driving five miles an hour looking for what I was hoping was a road.”

By the volume of 911 calls and observations of emergency responders out there, Santaferrara was not alone.

He was, though, perhaps one of the luckier ones. After pulling off the Thruway and onto rural side roads — he described as “just like going from one white canvas to the next” — he arrived at the intersection near Pembroke Central School. Oakfield firefighters were on scene directing and assisting traffic.

Santaferrara was asked where he was headed to, and he replied, “Lewiston,” which prompted a tepid response to attempt it at his own risk. There had been many accidents and vehicles off the road by that point, and emergency responders weren’t encouraging anyone to be driving if possible.

He asked where he could go to just get off the road for a while, and they directed him to the Oakfield fire hall. That wasn’t as easy as it sounded. En route, Santaferrara encountered a few different detours caused by accidents, and coupled with whiteout conditions, he was just hoping to find his destination.

“I just looked down the road and saw all white. It was a pure whiteout,” he said, after driving a bit farther down the road and pulling into a driveway. “I was tempted to knock on the door. I went back to the intersection, and they were all gone.”

He put Oakfield Fire Station into his phone and finally arrived to safety. Well, sort of. He was in the general area but could not even see the building. He tried opening and knocking on doors along parts of the facility before finding the right entryway. And there they were, others who were rescued and a group of firefighters taking care of them.

“They had already saved a family with a baby and a dog,” Santaferrara said. “They fed us all and gave us towels to dry ourselves, and we just hung out there, kept warm, and then they drove us to a hotel they recommended.”

There was also a couple traveling from Connecticut and yet another pair trying to drive to Canada. Although he had grown up in Syracuse, Santaferrara has lived in NYC for nearly four decades, he said.

“This is winter amplified,” he said, adding that his sisters offered to come and get him. "I said, ‘no way I am letting you come to get me.’ I was in it; I could see what I was going through. The 100 percent opacity … It’s the worst I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

Despite the dicey trip, Santaferrara was thankful for towels to dry off his snow-covered face, body and hands; for the comforting nourishment of grilled cheese sandwiches and beverages; and for the genuine kindness from the firefighters themselves.

“They were really hospitable, warm, and really welcoming,” he said. “I literally thought I would be stranded in it … in the middle of nowhere. I never had my fingers and face freeze that fast.”

Oakfield Fire Hall served as a warming station for the storm, firefighter Bill Sturgeon said. He agreed that it's been one of the worst storms ever -- and that's during his 32-year career as a firefighter. He transported folks to a hotel in Batavia when needed.

"It has to be among the top one to two storms I've ever been through ... visibility-wise. There had to be 15 to 20 cars off the road between Fisher Road and the village line. I felt bad, but I couldn't stop," Sturgeon said later Friday night. "We have more people that were brought into the fire hall. The captain was driving home and saw a couple and picked them up; one had asthma. But an ambulance crew was here to help." 

(See a personal account about driving in the storm.)

There were several helpers, including those from unexpected places. When Santaferrara walked into the fire hall, there was a goosebump moment: the contact page of his late mom and dad popped up on his phone.

“That made you feel like they were looking after you,” he said.

His luck continued when he got the last available room at a city hotel, he said. With his trail mix snack running low, he was ready to stay put nonetheless until it was deemed safe to travel. His vehicle remains at the fire hall, and firefighters have offered to pick him up and bring him back to the station when that moment comes.

“I feel incredibly grateful,” he said.

Top Photo: Members of Oakfield Fire Rescue during a brief lull from rescuing motorists stranded in the wintry conditions Friday in Genesee County; the truck ready for action, above. Photos submitted by Michael Santaferrara, who was taken to a Batavia hotel after getting stuck in white-outs while enroute to Lewiston.

Multiple vehicles reportedly involved in accident on Judge Road, Oakfield

By Howard B. Owens

A tractor-trailer vs. multiple vehicles accident is reported at Macomber Road and Judge Road, Oakfield.

Oakfield and Mercy EMS dispatched.

Injuries are reported.

A first responder reports a complete whiteout.  Fire police were dispatched to shut down traffic.

UPDATE 11:51 a.m.: One minor injury at the scene, a sign-off, and two other vehicles involved moved to the Alabama Fire Hall.  

Solar project to shine on towns of Elba, Oakfield and the county with growth capital

By Joanne Beck

If all goes as expected, a solar energy project in Elba and Oakfield will net a nearly $88 million gain for Genesee County over the next three decades, Steve Hyde says.

The CEO of the county’s Economic Development Center reviewed that financial projection as part of a Hecate Energy Cider Solar LLC project. Public hearings were recently conducted in each municipality, with a few comments and not much of an outpouring of concerns or complaints, Hyde said.

He and Marketing and Communications Director Jim Krencik presented the review during Wednesday’s Ways & Means Committee meeting. Krencik credited a successful negotiation between all entities for the project’s forward progress.

“This is going to have a major impact philosophically and visually,” he said. 

Once, or if, the measure is approved by both municipal boards and the county Legislature, the presence of a solar operation is to help fund infrastructure throughout the county via first-year payments to Elba ($989,739) and Oakfield-Alabama ($660,133) schools, the towns of Elba ($756,698) and Oakfield ($504,463), and Genesee County itself ($774,165), he said.

Thirty-year revenue predictions result with those entities each garnering $12 million to $19 million each, plus a residential utility bill credit of $2.5 million and special district taxes of nearly $5.8 million, Hyde and Krencik said. In the shorter term, each entity is predicted to receive anywhere from $504,463 to $989,739 from the deal in the first year alone.

Although the projects won’t create a lot of jobs, Hyde said, there is an impact of getting back $22 for every dollar invested, he said.

“We’ve got something here that’s pretty significant from a tax basis,” he said.

Committee legislators agreed with the plan.

“This is a transformational project for these communities,” Legislator Marianne Clattenburg said. “They need to get something back. We’re going to authorize our IDA to collect money on our behalf. If the state comes in, they’d be doing it for free.”

Admittedly, “playing tough” is not Hyde’s style, he said, but negotiations “got really tough at some points.”

There were more than 10 meetings from spring 2021 to this fall, and they involved each town’s, the county’s and EDC’s leadership to arrive at an agreement. If approved by the Towns of Elba and Oakfield -- slated for votes of consent on Thursday and Dec. 13 -- and then approved by the county Legislature on Dec. 14, "all parties would execute on their approved agreements with Hecate Energy Cider Solar LLC," Krencik said.

The time and effort has been worth it, Hyde said.

"Accomplishing a high level of fiscal benefits from solar energy projects has been a shared goal of the GCEDC, Genesee County, and our towns and schools. We thank the towns of Elba and Oakfield for their commitment and collaboration throughout the negotiations for Hecate Energy Cider Solar LLC," he said. "They have gone above and beyond in representing their communities," Hyde said.

The Batavian has reached out to the Town of Elba for the results of this week's expected vote and will add that once a reply is received.

Top File Photo: Steve Hyde, CEO of Genesee County Economic Development Center, by Howard Owens; above, Marketing and Communications Director Jim Krencik, from GCEDC website. 

Train enthusiasts share their passion during open house in Oakfield

By Joanne Beck

With the onslaught of technology and video games these days, Michael Pyszczea was happy this weekend to introduce a longtime tradition that he’s known from decades ago.

Pyszczea and fellow club members had their 20th annual open house for the Genesee Society of Model Engineers in Oakfield.

As kids and their families checked out model train set-ups and the chugging vehicles along metal tracks, you could say the event was full steam ahead.

“This is about model railroading. Many of us grew up with train sets from our childhood, with Lionel around the tree. It’s not as prevalent … it’s out of focus. The cost of these things has  gone up, and sometimes kids would rather have video games,” he said. “This is just to share our enjoyment of trains, to allow a time for our family and our friends to come up here, and to bond with the community. And it really is for the kids. You go around and you see them going crazy over this.

“It’s something they can do and enjoy that doesn’t involve a joystick and a keyboard,” he said.

The club has been operating for 52 years, and has about 35 members, he said. Members may have relatives who work on a railroad, or are professionals in the field themselves, said Pyszczea, who is club treasurer.

Typical weeks would involve train enthusiasts gathering once or twice a week to construct layout, run and talk about trains, have a cup of coffee and socialize, he said.

But the open house offers special moments for others to partake in the hobby as well.

“This is how we grew up. You don’t see trains in department store windows any more. Some of (the visitors) are seeing model railroading, sometimes for the first time,” he said.

Top Photo: Colton Hilchey watches a train in action during Genesee Society of Model Engineers' open house Saturday in Oakfield; visitors enjoy checking out the various train layouts during the event. Photos by Howard Owens. 

A busy guy: Santa makes the rounds this weekend, including Oakfield

By Joanne Beck

Mckenzie, 4, has a chat with Santa Claus during his visit to Oakfield Saturday, as Ryder, 6, below, takes his turn afterward while their mom, Samantha Blake, takes photos.

Santa makes his way to the gazebo in the village of Oakfield Saturday before having several sit-down visits with children to review their wishlists. 

A visit from jolly ol' St. Nick made for plenty of photo opportunities for families Saturday in Oakfield.

Photos by Howard Owens.

Haxton Memorial Library to unveil new slogan on Saturday

By Press Release

Press release:

Everyone is invited to learn of the choice made by residents for their new slogan for the Haxton Memorial Library. The new slogan will be announced prior to the lighting ceremony that takes place at 6 p.m. on Saturday at Triangle Park in Oakfield.

After the lighting ceremony, folks can stop by the outside of the library too, and see the new slogan that will be lit up in one of the library’s front windows, enjoy some Christmas cookies, and pick up a bit of SWAG that features the library’s new logo and slogan.

In-person and online voting for the new library slogan was conducted beginning in September and throughout October with three possible choices including Windows of Opportunity, Your Windows to the World, and Windows to Discovery. Slogan voters were also entered into a chance to win a randomly drawn $50 gift card. The winner of the gift card will also be announced at the December 3 unveiling announcement.

“It was a very close contest,” says Carol D’Alba, Board President. “We received nearly 200 votes from community members, and we are thrilled to have had so much involvement in choosing our new slogan.”

To learn more about the library, stop by the circulation desk or call (585) 948-9900. The Haxton Memorial Library, located at 3 North Pearl Street in Oakfield, provides residents a variety of programs, events and materials that are listed on the library’s website at

Law and Order: Woman accused of bringing narcotics into jail

By Howard B. Owens
Beth Jeffres

Beth Ann Jeffres, 40, no permanent address, is charged with criminal possession of a narcotic drug, two counts of criminal possession of a narcotic drug with intent to sell, promoting prison contraband 1st, and criminal possession of a controlled substance. Jeffres is accused of entering the Genesee County Jail in possession of narcotic drugs. She was ordered held on cash bail.

Giuseppa G. Flannaca, 33, of Orleans Avenue, Batavia, is charged with grand larceny 3rd. Flannaca is accused of stealing more than $3,000 in merchandise from The Home Depot between Aug. 1 and Oct. 12. Flannaca was arraigned in Town of Batavia Court and released on her own recognizance.

Summer Rose Sewar, 29, of Sunset Parkway, Oakfield, is charged with driving while ability paired by drugs. Sewar was arrested on Nov. 23. She was stopped at 11:42 p.m. on Aug. 24 on Judge Road in Alabama by Deputy Mason Schultz after deputies responded to a "check the welfare" call. Sewar was processed at the Genesee County Jail and released on an appearance ticket.

Multiple power outages reported in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

About 400 National Grid customers in Genesee County are without power due to weather-related outages.

The largest outage is in Darien with 310 customers without power.

There is an outage along Beckwith Road in Batavia, one in Basom and one in East Oakfield, along with outages that affect five or fewer customers in East Bethany, and Batavia.

East Pembroke was dispatched to Beckwith Road on wires.  National Grid is on scene.

Earlier, Alexander Fire was dispatched to Halstead Road for a wire down and a field on fire.


GCEDC board to vote on assistance for $577 million, 500-megawatt solar project in Elba, Oakfield

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) board of directors will consider final resolutions for solar projects that would generate $576.5 million of capital investment at its board meeting on Thursday, December 1, 2022.

Projects to be considered at the meeting include Hecate Energy Cider Solar LLC’s proposed $550 million utility-scale solar project and community solar projects estimated at $26.5 million.

Hecate Energy Cider Solar LLC’s 500-megawatt utility-scale solar is proposing to create approximately 500 full-time construction jobs and will have the capacity to supply 920,000 hours of renewable electricity annually and provide power to up to 120,000 homes.

Agreements negotiated for Hecate Energy Cider Solar LLC project also would generate approximately $73.5 million through PILOTs and host community agreements with the Town of Elba, the Town of Oakfield, the Elba Central School District, and the Oakfield-Alabama Central School District, including:

  • $13.18 million to Genesee County
  • $19.38 million to the Town of Elba
  • $12.92 million to the Town of Oakfield
  • $16.85 million to the Elba Central School District
  • $11.24 million to the Oakfield-Alabama School District

“This project will generate significant financial benefits to the host communities and I want to acknowledge the leadership of the various taxing jurisdictions in working collaboratively and successfully to reach agreements matching the scale of this historic renewable energy project for our region,” GCEDC President and CEO Steve Hyde said.

The GCEDC Board also will consider final resolutions for three community solar projects totaling 10.5-megwatts of energy generation that would result in up to $2 million in payments for the various host communities.

  • AES Rt 5 Storage LLC is proposing to construct a 5-megawatt community solar project on West Main Road in Le Roy. The $11.01 million project would generate $597,180 in payments to Genesee County, the town of Le Roy, and the Le Roy Central Schools.
  • RPNY Solar 6 LLC is proposing to construct a 3-megawatt community solar project on Alexander Road in Batavia. The $5.97 million project would generate $447,748 in payments to Genesee County, the town of Batavia, and the Alexander Central Schools.
  • RPNY Solar 7 LLC is proposing to construct a 2.5-megawatt community solar project on Alexander Road in Batavia. The $3.55 million project would generate $373,124 in payments to Genesee County, the town of Batavia, and the Batavia City Schools.

Finally, the board will consider an initial resolution from NY CDG Genesee 4 LLC for a 4.275 MW community solar farm in the town of Pavilion on Shepard Road.  The $6.5 million project would generate approximately $500,000 in PILOT, host community, and real property tax payments to Genesee County, the town of Pavilion and the Pavilion Central Schools. If the resolution is accepted, a public hearing on the project agreement would be scheduled in the town of Pavilion.

The Dec. 1 GCEDC board meeting will be held at 4 p.m. at the MedTech Center’s Innovation Zone, 99 MedTech Drive, Batavia. Meeting materials and links to a live stream/on-demand recording of the meeting is available at

Model Engineers host annual open house in Oakfield on Dec. 3

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee Society of Model Engineers will host the club's 20th Annual Holiday Open House on Saturday, Dec. 3, at the club's facilities located at 50 Main Street (Rte. 63), Oakfield, N.Y. 14125 (above the M&T Bank). The "FREE" event runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stairway access only.

The club's facilities feature operating layouts in O Gauge (Lionel), HO & N. Club members will be available to answer your model railroading questions. A great family-oriented event filled with photo-ops and fun for kids of all ages.

"The Christmas holidays seem to bring back those childhood memories of a model train and miniature village around the Christmas tree," says club President Mike Bakos. "Our members are busy keeping the tradition of trains and the holidays alive. We invite you to visit and enjoy one of Genesee County's best-kept secrets."

This year's Open House will be one of the many events featured as part of Oakfield’s Christmas in the Village celebration. The Open House is just one of many activities that will be taking place in Oakfield throughout the day.

The Genesee Society of Model Engineers is located at 50 Main Street (Rte. 63), Oakfield, N.Y. (above the M&T Bank) and is open Tuesdays from 7 until 9 p.m. Business meetings are held the last Tuesday of each month. Visit Like us on Facebook. 

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens

Haxton Memorial Library now offering free community wi-fi

By Press Release

Press release:

New signage reminds residents that they can take advantage of the free wi-fi at the Haxton Memorial Library in Oakfield. It is available 24/7. The best reception is at the front of the building along Pearl Street and Drake Street, as demonstrated by Kim Gibson, Library Director.

Batavia native recalls his early years when a teacher guided his path

By Joanne Beck

Artist and Batavia native Anthony Terrell was amongst friends and family during a showing of his paintings Thursday at Haxton Memorial Library.

Not just any paintings, this collection of six pastel-hued works was in memory of his sister Onnalee Berrios. “Amethyst Clouds Over Oakfield” was an appropriate title for each piece washed in shades of purples, pinks and blues.

The evening was about remembering Onnie, as he called her, and reconnecting family members, fellow artists, friends, and the Blue Devils' “60s Girls,” made up of 1960 Batavia High School graduates, which included Terrell’s sister Veronica.

Living in New York City, Terrell gets asked why he likes to come here to visit. Because people "people treat me nice," he said.

He would have been remiss not to make special note of one of those people who made an impact on his career, he said. His former high school art teacher Mary Tyler certainly deserves credit for her kind critiques.

Early on, she looked at Terrell's artwork and told him that he had a gift to pursue.

“It wasn’t good,” he said. “But she told me that, and I thought I was Picasso.

“And I gotta tell you, she was absolutely instrumental to where I am now. You know the work when you're that young, and you're trying to be an artist, you're generally copying Picasso, Modigliani, Monet, all the famous artists, you're trying to capture what they've done,” he said. “I wasn't capturing it, but she kept encouraging me, because, she said, ‘I think you have talent. I think you should stick to it.’ And those are the days that I was using old cans of house paint, and Red Devil paints that we used to paint our bicycles with, anything that we could get our hands on. And every time I give a talk about my artwork, I thank her because it was because of her.”

Tyler's influence still runs strongly through him, now as an accomplished NYC artist with Sphinx Works. As life goes, he discovered the "it's a small world" element in Batavia, by meeting someone who lives in Tyler's former home, and taking a tour while reminiscing about his late teacher. Her backyard was filled with all sorts of botanicals in gardens that seemed fitting for an art lover. She mentored him through encouraging words, he said. 

"Yeah, she took a liking to me. There were only three black students in the school. Me, my sister and Rick Thomas, who still lives in Batavia," Terrell said. " At the time, the Beatles just got started making it big in '63, and then the Rolling Stones and the Kinks ... Nixon had come in at '68, right after I graduated, but Kennedy really made a big difference. So the economy started getting a boost, because there's always a sense of promise, you know, from when Kennedy made his speech to Martin Luther King was coming, and so forth."

Being in only one of three African American families wasn't always easy, he said. At one point, his parents wanted to buy a particular home in the city, but Batavia was "very conservative, and it was not pro-African Americans at all," he said. 

"The neighbors, our neighbors, put up a petition saying that 'tell the owner that the neighborhood did not want blacks living in their neighborhood,' even though we were well respected. And we were forced to get a house when we looked and looked and looked, and looked again," he said. "But when they see your color, even Batavia ... we ended up getting 14 Lehigh Avenue, which is a house that nobody wanted because it was next to the railroad tracks."

He attended Jackson Elementary at that time, and then, when in the former Junior-Senior High School on Ross Street, he wasn't considered one of the smart kids. He didn't like science and math, but teachers wanted kids to pass, so they would offer different levels of studies, Terrell said. He enrolled in shop class. and it was there that he met Mary Tyler.

"I didn't really know her, but I liked being around the easels. And it wasn't math and it wasn't science, which I never was good at in high school," he said. "I just literally fell in love with Mary Tyler. She encouraged me, so I haven't forgotten my roots."

Sounds just like his sister Onnie. His late sister was supportive, understanding, and a guiding force to help a young boy navigate through small-town ways and limited rural opportunities.

“I loved coming over to her house. And the pictures which I’m going to talk about, are a reflection of that,” he said to the group of about 25 attendees. “If you could connect with a person that would kind of keep you straight on the path, as she did, it was very beneficial to me.”

Not long after graduating from BHS in 1967, Terrell went to live in California for a few months before returning to work at Doehler-Jarvis in Batavia. In April 1969, while many of his classmates had gone on to college, which Terrell’s family couldn’t afford, he was drafted into military service. It was during the Vietnam era, and he still remembers reporting for duty on the second floor of the former Mancuso’s Theater on Main Street.

He and his fellow recruits were processed, put on a bus, issued ID “dog” tags and then sent by plane to Fort Dix, NJ. He served in the Army until May 1971, and returned to a job saved for him by Doehler. "I got a promotion," he said, going from melting down assorted metals — a hard, sweaty job — to making casts for Briggs Stratton lawnmowers and General Motors car parts. Business was booming at the time, he said, thanks to a special steering column part called a saginaw, which Doehler made for GM.

Still, it wasn't really a fulfilling job, so he eventually decided -- with some insistence from his mom -- to get out of town. He packed up for NYC in January 1972. His brother Francis was attending law school there.

"It was a very cold morning, very cold," he said. "My mother had called my brother and told him to 'get your brother a job.'"

Terrell learned his way around, taking his first subway and having “no idea where I was going.”

“I was really naive," he said. "It was really frightening for me."

He did get a job by the end of his first week and stuck it out for a year before quitting and getting another job for a dry cleaning service. He also met his wife at that first place that dealt with stocks and bonds. Gwendolyn worked in the legal department, and it must have been meant to be: they have now been married for 50 years.

She was one of the people he thanked during the reception, attributing her patience and support for his longtime success as a full-time artist. 

He ran through his thank-yous, which included his mother, who brought him into the world, and Oakfield resident and former art teacher Terry Kolb, who helped to organize the reception. Terrell then reviewed each piece of his collection in memory of Onnie, who died in 2003 at age 64.

He recalled how they would sit in rocking chairs with their feet up on the porch railing, going back and forth while enjoying the time together. Each scene and related memory depicted a strong brother-sister bond.

Terrell described how some unknown inspiration prompted him to put masking tape over his initial pictures, in varying directions for an illustration board. Once knowing that, the novice observer can note how the paintings have geometric movement of lines within a sea of pastel colors.

All of it was for his beloved sister, “because I love her and I miss her,” he said.

“But she’s still in my heart,” he said.

For those that missed the debut Thursday, Terrell’s pieces will be at the library from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday.

Learn more about Onnalee Berrios HERE.

Top Photo: Batavia native Anthony Terrell, now of New York City, talks about the paintings he created for his late sister during a reception Thursday evening at Haxton Memorial Library in Oakfield. Photo above is of Terrell with Terry Kolb of Oakfield. Photos by Joanne Beck.

Art show in memory of Oakfield staple Onnalee Berrios debuts Thursday

By Joanne Beck

Onnalee Berrios was well-known for her compassion and generosity, her brother says.

Whether it was stopping to offer kids a ride to school, delivering homemade gingerbread cookies, buying extra groceries for someone in need, or spending time with family, Berrios had a kind way about her, brother Anthony Terrell said.

“She had very good instincts. My sister was wonderful,” he said by phone from his home in New York City. “I loved going to her house.”

Terrell is a native of Batavia and graduated from Batavia High School in 1967. He returned to the area after being drafted and serving in the Army for two years, though it was as a young teen when he first adored his sister for being so accessible, hospitable, and for being so easygoing with the house rules. He appreciated the little things that she did.

"She would let us watch a movie, we would still have to go to bed like around 11:30, 12 o'clock. But it was better than ... watching your parents watch Ponderosa at 9:30 and telling me, 'don't make so much noise when you go upstairs to your bedroom,'" Terrell said. "Whenever I would go over to the house, she would always have a few bottles of cold beer and pizza." 

Onnie, as she was called, died several years ago at age 64 after a battle with cancer. Terrell — one of the five remaining siblings out of the family’s whopping 17 —  plans to honor her memory with a set of six pastel paintings during a reception from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday at Haxton Memorial Library, 3 North Pearl St., Oakfield.

Why Onnie and why now? Terrell’s fondness for his sister while growing up in rural Genesee County is due to her friendly and accommodating nature. An infusion of Beatles mania encouraged kids to be independent, while adolescence brought on rebellion in wanting to break out of the small-town boredom he and his friends often experienced.

And there was Onnie — with her house full of homemade goodies, a few bottles of beer in the fridge for the taking, movies that were too risqué for their parent’s approval, and someone to talk with.

“She was pretty much my mentor,” he said. “There was nothing to do, and it was very, very boring. I would go over to my sister’s house; she had kids, and we’d play basketball and eat cookies. Boys started growing their hair long, which created problems for families. If you had someone that you could gravitate to, you did.”

Terrell had an art show at Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council last year and met up with former classmates and friends. He met Terry Kolb of Oakfield, a former art teacher -- and one of the recipients of his sister's famous gingerbread cookies -- and before they knew it, the artists agreed to have a show in the western part of the county. Since Onnie had lived there, Terrell thought it fitting to commemorate the show to her.

He then completed six pieces of art as a tribute to his beloved sister.

“Each one replicates what I did when I was there,” he said.

Those activities, illustrated in muted pastels of purples, pinks and blues, include the two of them sitting in rocking chairs that Onnie had restored and refinished herself; sitting in her amethyst-laden room of window sills lined up with the purple stones that reflected the sunlight, casting a violet-flavored veil over everything; and yet another of the two of them sitting in the dark, eating pizza next to a glowing fireplace.

Terrell plans to introduce each one with what it represents and how it came about, he said.

“I’m trying to convey that it’s a very, very rich, deep and rewarding feeling. I think about my sister spiritually,” he said. “She was very well revered. When you love somebody, whether they're here physically or they're not here. When you love somebody, it's continuous. It stays with you. That's the thing about love.”

The first half hour of the reception is for mingling, with the program to begin at 7 p.m., he said.

More about Terrell will be published Friday.

Photos of artworks painted by Batavia native Anthony Terrell will be featured in an art show debuting from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday at Haxton Memorial Library in Oakfield. Photos by Howard Owens. Submitted photo of Anthony Terrell in his studio.

Law and Order: Oakfield man facing additional rape charge in Wyoming County

By Howard B. Owens
Ricardo Castillo

Ricardo Castillo, Jr., 39, of Oakfield, is charged with rape 1st and rape 3rd. Castillo was arrested in connection with an alleged crime reported on Oct. 26 in the Town of Sheldon.  He was arrested as the result of a joint investigation by the Wyoming County Sheriff's Office and the Genesee County Sheriff's Office.  Castillo was arraigned in the Town of Warsaw Court and ordered held on $100,000 bail, $200,000 bond, or $400,000 partially secured bond. Previously: Oakfield man accused of multiple counts of rape and criminal sexual act

Jacqueese Wapnieski

Jacqueese X. Wapnieski, 19, of Batavia, is charged with burglary 2nd, criminal mischief 4th, grand larceny 4th, and criminal possession of stolen property 4th. Wapnieski is accused of breaking into a house on Tracy Avenue, Batavia, at 3:04 p.m. Oct. 31. He allegedly caused damage to the house and stole various household items. He was arraigned in City Court and released under supervision. 

Stephen E. Pike, 26, of Pavilion, is charged with strangulation 2nd and criminal mischief 4th. Pike was arrested on Nov. 2 in connection with an incident reported at 2 a.m. Aug. 6 at a location on Liberty Street. He was arraigned in City Court and ordered held without bail.

Eric Peter Doleman, 52, of West Main Street, Batavia, and Curtis Williams, 56, of Pearl Street, Batavia, are charged with promoting prison contraband 2nd and conspiracy 6th. Doleman and Wiliams are accused of conspiring to have Williams smuggle in a $20 bill into the Genesee County Jail and pass it to Doleman during a visitation. Both were issued appearance tickets.

Jason H. Freeman, 41, of Batavia, is charged with failure to appear. Freeman was arrested on a warrant on Nov. 2, arraigned in City Court, and ordered held on $5,000 bail, $10,000 bond, or $20,000 partially secured bond.

Tamera A. Innocent, 25, of Dansville, is charged with harassment 2nd. Innocent is accused of striking a man in the face with a closed fist during an argument at 2 a.m. Oct. 30. Innocent was issued an appearance ticket.

Joanne Jones, 53, of Buffalo, is charged with harassment 2nd. Jones was allegedly involved in a disturbance at a residential facility on East Main Street at 9:51 p.m. Oct. 29. She was released on an appearance ticket.

Nolan Robert Powless, 25, of Pearl Street, Medina, is charged with petit larceny. Powless was arrested on a warrant issued in the Alabama Town Court. He was processed at the Genesee County Jail and released on his own recognizance. 

Tyler M. Thomas, 30, of Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Thomas was arrested by State Police at 7:51 p.m. Nov. 4 in the Town of Lockport. He was released on an appearance ticket. No further information released.

Michal A. Casterline, 66, of Anderson, Ind., is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Casterline was stopped by State Police at 7:21 p.m. Nov. 2 in the Town of Darien. He was released on an appearance ticket.

Haxton Memorial Library hosting adult craft program, make cards and ornaments for the holidays

By Press Release

Press Release:

The folks at the Haxton Memorial Library are helping adults and children get into the holiday spirit with two special craft nights at the library. The session for adults is on Thursday, November 17 and the children’s program is on Thursday, December 8 at the library. Both start at 6:45 and run until 8 p.m.

Becky O’Donnell will provide step-by-step directions in the making of both a greeting card and an ornament that participants can take with them and use for the holidays. Becky is a talented local crafter who loves to share and inspire people through paper arts.

“I have been stamping for over 30 years and teaching for 25. I do this mainly to make people happy and share the joy of creating something special,” she says. 

Both programs are a part of the "Talented Thursdays" at the Haxton Memorial Library, where local artists share their talents with community members and create different forms of art.

Participation is free, materials are all provided, and registration is necessary. These programs are open to anyone interested in crafting and enjoying some socialization with the other crafters in the group.

For more information or to sign up, stop by the Haxton Memorial Library at 3 North Pearl Street in Oakfield or call (585) 948-9900.

This project is made possible with funds from the statewide community regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by GOART!

The Haxton Memorial Library provides residents a variety of programs, events and materials that are listed on the library’s website at

StoryWalk at Haxton Memorial Library is Froggy’s Halloween

By Press Release

Press release:

Kids of all ages are invited to take a StoryWalk outside the Haxton Memorial Library along the sidewalk on Drake Street. A StoryWalk is an outdoor reading activity that allows children, families, and people of all ages to read a story placed on posts in a row, combining literacy and activity into one enjoyable experience. 

The story outside for the Fall season this year is Froggy’s Halloween by Jonathan London. The lovable and trouble-prone Froggy tries to find the right costume for Halloween. While his trick-or-treating does not go as he planned, he certainly enjoys himself anyway.

To make the experience even sweeter, children can stop inside the library after reading the story and answer a question about it for a special treat.

To read this fun tale and get a treat, stop by the Haxton Memorial Library at 3 North Pearl Street in Oakfield.

The Haxton Memorial Library provides residents a variety of programs, events and materials that are listed on the library’s website at

Submitted photo.

Sponsored Post: New listing from Reliant Real Estate; 3538 Drake Street Road, Oakfield

By Lisa Ace

Solid country ranch located on 2 plus pretty country acres! This 3 bedroom, 2 full bath home is conveniently located to just about everywhere. Minutes from Batavia, Elba, and Oakfield shopping, dining and the Thruway! This home has been upgraded throughout, so it leaves you without a lot to do but enjoy. This 1900 plus sq ft ranch is super spacious and perfect for entertaining, especially for all the upcoming holidays. Large living room with wood burning fireplace, roomy kitchen that has great cupboard space and bright eating area looking out the sliding glass door which leads to back patio and very pretty views! The downstairs has perfect partial finished rec. area with fireplace ideal for hanging out, man cave or giant toy room-take your pic! There is also additional basement utility area that could be great workshop space with 3 additional huge storage areas! The home is situated on very scenic 2 plus acres with large barn just in case you run out space inside! And did we mention a two car attached garage? This house packs a lot in for a great price! Come check it out! Delayed negotiations until Thursday November 10th at 7 p.m. Click here for more information on this listing.

Pastor embraces -- and is embraced by -- opportunity at United Methodist Church in Oakfield

By Joanne Beck

CJ Rolle remembers when, as a youngster taking piano lessons, one professor knew he wasn’t living up to his potential.

The Rochester youngster had taught himself how to play by ear, and his mother insisted he'd learn to read music. Little did he know that he'd also learn about perseverance.

“One of the professors, he said that ‘God has given you a gift and you're not gonna waste your gift.’ And if I didn't practice, he would spank me. He actually did spank me,” Rolle said during an interview with The Batavian in Oakfield. “So every week after that, when he spanked me that first time, I said, ‘nope, you won't do it again.’ So I practiced every week until I got it right.”

While such discipline may be frowned upon today, a wiser 43-year-old Rolle believes it served him well. “It inspired me,” he said, reciting his portfolio that began at 12 as church organist for several churches, and going on to study and graduate at Eastman School of Music in Rochester, then becoming a music teacher and assistant principal at the Rochester City School District.

From listening to his life story, it seems apparent that Rolle has known how to take lemons and parlay them into some pretty sweet lemonade. While at the school district, he got injured trying to break up a fight. He took a leave with his newly broken arm and leg, and it was during that recovery that he heard about a vacancy at Renaissance Academy Charter School. He got the job and pretty much “runs the place” now as head administrator for the last six years.

He had served as a part-time pastor for a few other churches before hearing about the United Methodist Church of Oakfield. The church district superintendent recommended him, so Rolle and his wife Danielle decided to drive out and see it. Growing up in Rochester, Rolle had never heard of Oakfield, he said. But when he heard about the opening and was highly recommended, he decided to check it out.

“And so my wife and I Googled the church, we drove out here. And the day that we came out here, I didn't even tell them yet that I was potentially going to be their pastor. I just wanted to get a feel of how they were. And they were very welcoming. They didn't even know us, and they were very welcoming,” he said. “So once I figured that out, I said, I might as well tell them that I'm potentially going to be your pastor. Their eyes all just opened up real wide. So one of the trustees said well, if you're gonna be our pastor, let's give you a tour of the church.”

He loved the “beautiful edifice” and the roomy, three-floor building with classrooms on the floor below a stained-glass enshrouded sanctuary, plus a parish hall, kitchen and office.

After the tour, he was informed that the church at 2 South Main St. would be his new appointment. Rolle sees the job as more than just an employment and religious opportunity, but also a special moment in the church’s history.

Founded in the 1800s, the church has never had an African-American pastor, he said. And from the moment he met with parishioners and members of the Staff Relations Committee, he has felt comfortable in a mostly all-white church.

“They have really embraced us,” he said. “You know, they don't see me as the black pastor. Yeah, they see me as the pastor, and they have much respect, and I appreciate them for that. You're not going to find this every day. You know, a lot of my African-American colleagues, I don't think, would be able to do what I'm doing right now. I'm kind of different. I can fit into any crowd.”

He first had to attend a church camp for a jam-packed week of Bible-based lessons from sunup to sundown, he said. Just three weeks in, and Rolle has a list of goals already, from offering a Bible study and Sunday school to establishing a church website and boosting congregation numbers. He had been a pastor at a couple of Pentecostal churches previously, but left “because I wanted a little more structure,” he said.

“The United Methodist Church also offers retirement. For pastors in the Pentecostal church, you get to preach until you hit the grave. I didn't I didn't want to do that,” he said.

There were about a dozen people attending when he began his new post.

“But now that I'm here, I at least counted maybe 50 people. And there's still more that haven't come yet. They're watching online,” he said. “But they're on the way. I saw that people came the other week that they haven't seen in 10 years. They came and they've been coming, you know, so that's a good thing.”

Committee chairman Jeff Schlagenhauf said it was a good decision based on Rolle’s traits and recommendations. It wasn’t about being black or white, but about the best fit, he said.

“He’s dynamic, and a great speaker,” Schlagenhauf said. “He’s more youthful than our past pastors, and he, his wife and daughter have jumped in. He has a passion, enthusiasm and a vision.”

Jeff has been a member for the last 25 years and attended the church five years before that. He has seen numbers dwindling over the years, maybe due to more activities on Sundays, and then COVID didn’t help.

Church members are on board with growing attendance and hosting a youth event in the near future, he said.

“We’re heading in the right direction,” Schlagenhauf said.

Rolle agreed. He predicted that within the next year, the congregation will grow. He and his family will remain in Rochester until his hours increase, and then he'll consider moving closer to Oakfield. Rolle said there’s a plan to canvass the neighborhood and encourage folks to give church a try.

“And start compelling, as the Bible says, compelling men and women to come. A lot of people don't go to church on Sundays,” Rolle said. “When I walked down the street here on Sunday, sometimes people are outside washing their cars and doing other things, right? But I have a vision to have a program here that will make you not want to wash your car on Sunday, and come into the house of God.”

Sunday service is at 10 a.m. For more information, call 585-948-5550.

Top Photo of Pastor CJ Rolle flanked by vocalists during Sunday service at United Methodist Church in Oakfield, with members of the congregation and his wife Danielle. Photos by Howard Owens. Photo above, CJ Rolle with his youngest daughter Camryn, 5. The Rolle's other children are C'earah, 21; CJ, 15; and Tia, 20. Photo by Joanne Beck. 

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