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pay for what you get

Conversations with Calliope- Back in Business

By Joseph Langen



(Fall Foliage)

JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. I hope you are doing better than you were yesterday.
JOE: I must admit I was discouraged and frustrated with my technology but I got it figured out.
JOE: Strange you should ask. In trying to use various FTP programs, I kept seeing a troubleshooting question asking whether my web hosting had expired. I thought that was ridiculous.
JOE: Well, I called my Internet service provider who checked and discovered that my web hosting had expired since I had not paid my bill.
CALLIOPE: On purpose?
JOE: Of course not. I just forgot it and like everything else, the service stopped when I stopped paying for it.
CALLIOPE: How was it resolved?
JOE: I paid it and had my services turned back on. I was then able to update my websites and was back in business.
CALLIOPE: You have to be more careful.
JOE: It would save me some trouble. But I tend to be more the artistic than business type.
CALLIOPE: At least you realize it.
JOE: I do. Talk with you on Monday.



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