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Pembroke Intermediate School

Pembroke students learn the importance of trees during their week long celebration for Arbor Day

By Kara Richenberg
Principal Norman Foster talking with fifth and sixth grade students about Arbor Day .
Photo by Kara Richenberg

When Arron Brown, a sixth-grade teacher from Pembroke Intermediate School, heard about an opportunity to get money for their school to plant trees, he knew he had to see what it was all about.

Arron applied for a grant through the New York State Urban Forestry Council and was selected to receive $500 for his school to purchase trees. He decided on two trees to plant in celebration of Arbor Day (the last Friday of April). 

“I chose the red maple tree because they are strong and resilient, just like the district is helping them to grow up to be. I also chose a Japanese cherry blossom for its beauty and positivity. If the students are having a bad day they can come look at the tree and think of positive things, like when they all planted the tree this Arbor Day,” said Brown. 

There were two different ceremonies one for the third and fourth grade classes, which planted the red maple tree, and one for the fifth and sixth grade classes, which planted the Japanese cherry blossom.

Students participated in a week-long celebration, where they learned about the history of Arbor Day, the importance of trees, and got creative with a poem contest. 

Students who participated in the poem contest were only given the topic of trees. There was a total of 42 submitted poems. The winners were announced at each ceremony and were awarded a certificate and a Tim Horton's gift card. 

The teachers also awarded a few selected students to help shovel the first scoops of dirt. Students were recognized for their character traits of resilience and caring throughout the year.

Norman Foster, Pembroke Intermediate School Principal, also spoke to the students about how trees play a vital role in our everyday lives and how Arbor Day was recognized in 1972 by former President Richard Nixon who officially made it a holiday.

“Most importantly the students get to remember that they have planted these trees for future students to admire and enjoy,” Brown said.

Aaron Burch, a fifth-grade teacher, and Leo Zuch (fifth grade) shoveling the first dirt around the Japanese cherry blossom.
Photo by Kara Richenberg
Fourth-grade Intermediate school reporters Ellie Benson (left) and Raegan Shay (right).
Photo by Kara Richenberg
Sixth-grade students (from left to right) Aleanna Lang, Scarlett Baker, Harper Godlove, and Fiona Surdi pose for a photo opp in front of the Japanese cherry blossom tree.
Photo by Kara Richenberg
Arron Brown talks with the third and fourth grade students about their red maple tree.
Photo by Kara Richenberg
Poem contest winners Harper Ricci, fourth grade (left), and Cecilia O'May, third grade (right). 
Photo by Kara Richenberg
Autumn Fagan (3rd grade) putting her shovel full of dirt around the red maple tree.
Photo by Kara Richenberg
Third and fourth grade students help fill in dirt around the Red Maple tree.
 Photo by Kara Richenberg
Madilyn Bischoff, sixth grade, and Benjamin Kohn, Intermediate School music teacher, playing with the band.
Photo by Kara Richenberg
Students raise their hands to answer one of Mr. Foster's Arbor Day questions.
Photo by Kara Richenberg
Sixth-grade Intermediate School reporters Norah Webber (left) and Lola Hallett (right).
Photo by Kara Richenberg

Pembroke sixth graders complete reading contest

By Press Release


Press release:

Sixth Grade students at Pembroke Intermediate School participated in the Korman Challenge Reading Contest during the month of October.

Students were challenged to read a book written by author Gordon Korman during the month to be invited to the Korman Party, which was held on Nov. 4.

By the end of the month, 24 students completed the challenge!

Students were invited to a special party where they watched a special video message from Gordon Korman himself! Students then received a special certificate recognizing their achievement.

To wrap up the special day, students enjoyed pizza generously donated by Homeslice Pizzeria 33! 

Submitted photos.




1,400 items collected at Pembroke annual December Drive

By Press Release


Press Release: 

The students, teachers, and staff at Pembroke Intermediate School participated in their annual December Drive which benefits the Corfu Food Pantry. This year, almost 1,400 items were collected! Student Council members, 5th grade students, and 6th grade students delivered the food on Friday, December 17.   

“This is one of the Intermediate School’s favorite holiday traditions. The entire school and community comes together to help those in need,”  said student council and 6th grade teacher Arron Brown.





Pembroke voters approve Intermediate School bus garage renovations by a wide margin

By Mike Pettinella

Pembroke Central School District residents Thursday overwhelmingly approved a $1.69-million multifaceted capital project for repairs and renovation of the bus garage at the Intermediate School at 58 Alleghany Road (Route 77) in Corfu.

The work is being funded by state aid and $400,000 from the district’s Capital Reserve Fund, and will have no impact on the local property tax rate, according to Superintendent Matthew Calderon.

The vote was 139 in favor and 35 against.

Improvements to the bus garage include replacing: the bus lift; fuel island; interior lighting; windows in the lift bay; offices and drivers’ area; entry doors; and overhead door operators.

Additional work involves adding electrical power on three light poles, repairing building electrical ground, repointing brick, splitting the heat system to provide greater efficiency, and installing screen wall/wind screens and parts storage shelving.

The district's board of education has scheduled another capital project proposition for May to address Americans with Disabilities Act compliance and Building Condition Survey issues, Calderon said, noting that the spring proposal also will not result in an increase to the taxpayer.

Video: Pembroke Intermediate School's 'Start with Hello' week

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Pembroke Intermediate School in Corfu is promoting community and wellness this week with a program called “Start with Hello."

On Tuesday morning students were greeted by police and firemen saying hello and handing out apples. The event today is part of a weeklong effort to promote emotional wellness at the school.

Pembroke Intermediate students celebrate Red Ribbon Week

By Howard B. Owens

Photos and information submitted by Aaron Brown.

Last week, the Pembroke Intermediate School celebrated Red Ribbon Week. Throughout the week, students and staff participated in Spirit Days, celebrating choosing a life that does not include drugs. The week concluded with a school-wide assembly and balloon launch.

Photos: Pembroke Intermediate students go bald to raise money for cancer research

By Howard B. Owens

Students, faculty, staff and friends at Pembroke Intermediate School raised more than $10,000 this morning in a "Bald for Bucks" program for cancer research.

The young son of one of Pembroke's fourth-grade teachers, Jill Bojarski, has been diagnosed with cancer.

Funds will be donated to the Roswell Park Cancer Institute.

Above, Joyce Saleman, the child's grandmother, has her head shaved by Darlene Curtis. Saleman became quite emotional when the amount of money raised was announced and she spoke to the children, thanking them for their generosity and caring.

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