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seven generations

Conversations with Calliope- Seven Generation Decisions

By Joseph Langen



JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good Morning Joe. I missed you Saturday.
JOE: I wanted to stop by but was worn out from wrestling with my computer all day Friday.
CALLIOPE: Over what?
JOE: E-mail post and general slowness.
CALLIOPE: Is all back to normal now?
JOE: I hope so.
CALLIOPE: So what's up this week.
JOE: Yesterday I set a list of priorities for the week and began working on them.
CALLIOPE: What's on top of your list?
JOE: This week's column on making decisions in light of how they will affect the next seven generations.
CALLIOPE: Where did that come from?
JOE: The Great Law of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Confederacy.)
CALLIOPE: Sounds like quite a context for our decisions. Why did you choose that topic?
JOE: Because of our society's trend toward making decisions based on the next seven seconds. I'll report my progress tomorrow.



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