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Sliding Otter News

Conversations with Calliope- Newsletter Launch

By Joseph Langen

(Otter at Play- Photo courtesy of

JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today?
JOE: Ready to relax.
CALLIOPE: From what?
JOE: A busy week of working on my writing and its business aspects. I'm sure my friend Gerry would think I am going overboard with it.
CALLIOPE: What did you accomplish this week?
JOE: I overhauled my website at, put the finishing touches on my free newsletter, Sliding Otter News, whose inaugural issue goes out today, sent a column to The Daily News. Those are the major things.
CALLIOPE: You have been busy. Why the newsletter?
JOE: I have been sending copies of my column to people around the country. I thought It was about time I formalized it and used it as a way to communicate with people interested in my writing.
CALLIOPE: I see. Now what?
JOE: It's time to relax, at least a little.
CALLIOPE: I guess you earned it. How will you relax?
JOE: I am planning a week in the Caribbean on a cruise.
CALLIOPE: Will I hear from you during the trip?
JOE: Good question. I'll try to keep in touch but no promises. Talk with you on Monday.

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