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Annual Roast Beef Supper to benefit Historical Society of Elba

Event Date and Time
2016-10-06T16:30:00 - 2016-10-06T18:30:00
Elba Firemen's Rec Hall @ 7143 Oak Orchard Rd, Elba, NY 14058, USA
The annual Roast Beef Supper to benefit the Historical Society of Elba will be held this Thursday, Oct. 6, at the Elba Firemen’s Rec Hall on Route 98 at the corner of Route 262. Takeouts available starting at 4:30; serving begins at 5. Basket raffles starts at 6. Cost is $9.50 adults, ages 5 to 12, $4.50, and 5 and under FREE. Call for reservations — June R. at 585-757-2791.

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