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'Bluegrass Mass' celebration and jamboree to help the hungry

By Billie Owens
Event Date and Time
2012-09-15T17:00:00 - 2012-09-15T21:00:00

A "Bluegrass Mass" to aid hungry people will be celebrated and Creek Bend will perform at "The Barn" from 5 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 15.

That's located at 2248 Attica Road in Darien Center.

There will be food, fellowship and fun for all -- a harvest celebration in the Episcopal tradition.

Bluegrass jammers and choir singers of all denominations are encouraged to join in. Please call 547-2372 or email

The Mass will be celebrated by the Right Reverend R. William Franklin, who is the Bishop of Western New York. A free will offering benefits food pantries in Attica, Perry and Warsaw, and helps continue Episcopal Outreach.

The event is coordinated by the Episcopal Church Deanery in Genesee and Wyoming counties, and sponsored by the Episcopal churches of Wyoming County in conjunction with the "Mustard Seed Project."


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