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Service at Le Roy United Methodist Church honoring heroic Four Chaplains

By Billie Owens
Event Date and Time
2013-02-03T13:00:00 - 2013-02-03T14:30:00

A service to honor the four Army Chaplains who gave their lives to save fellow soldiers 70 years ago, will be held at the Le Roy United Methodist Church at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 3, the public is invited.

The service will feature music, an Honor Guard, the National Anthem, hymns, the story of the Four Chaplains read by Jim Neider, Adjutant of the Genesee County American Legion and Scripture readings by various clergy.

At the conclusion of the indoor ceremony there will be wreath laying and taps at the Four Chaplains Monument in Trigon Park, only one of three in New York State. A
reception will follow at the Le Roy Servicemen’s Club, 53 W. Main St.

On February 3, 1943 the U.S.A.T Dorchester was sunk by a German torpedo only
150 miles off the coast of Greenland. Of the 902 young men on board, only
230 survived. Many of those survivors owe their lives to the courage and
leadership exhibited by the heroic Four Chaplains, who, in sacrificing their
lives, created a unique legacy of brotherhood.

Since 1951, the Chapel of the Four Chaplains has spread the message of interfaith cooperation and selfless service, touching the lives of people across this great country. Thousands of Four Chaplains memorial services are held across the nation on or near Feb. 3rd each year to pay tribute to their act of courage.

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