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BHS A1 Winter Guard earns first place in Northeast championship circuit competition

By Billie Owens
Submitted photo and press release:
Batavia High School's A1 Winter Guard placed first at North East Color Guard Circuit Championships on Saturday, March 30th in Gate-Chili High School gymnasium. It is the local New York State Winter Guard Competitive Circuit.
The Batavia ensemble performed beautifully and gave the audience and judges a lasting memory.
Senior Mary Murphy performed her final show on Saturday. It was a bittersweet performance for her knowing she had the best performance of the season and with a win at championships.
Special recognition must go to our coaches, Bridget Hogan and Gena Rainforth, for the hours of time given to our Batavia Winter Guard members.
Our program succeeds due to a strong parent group and students who are extremely passionate to the sport of the arts.

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