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Free, grassroots strategy meeting on Second Amendment rights' infringement is April 15 at Days Inn, Batavia

By Billie Owens

Press release from Brian Graz:

Greetings Gun-owners and Supporters of the Constitution & Liberty.   Sunday April 15 there is being held a Town Hall Meeting (2 to 4 p.m. at Days Inn, 200 Oak St., Batavia) concerning the current aggressive anti-gun movement (which truly has become very concerning). This is a strategy meeting to try and create a better way to guard against and overcome the 2nd Amendment infringements, that NY State and the Federal Government continue to push on us.   The meeting will be chaired and run by Jim Ostrowski. Jim is a premiere local 2nd Amendment attorney and author of several books, from Buffalo, who has argued lawsuits against the State of NY and Governor Cuomo and has an active case going right now which he is seeking to get before the Supreme Court.   Also of note, Jim has been a featured guest on several conservative think tank discussions; the Mises Institute {}, Lew Rockwell {}, and Ron Paul's Liberty Report {}... just to name 3.   Of course this is a non-partisan, gathering open to all concerned people. All are invited and encouraged to come. There is No Fee to attend. 

Please mark your calendar and try and be at this critical meeting. Time is running out and we can not afford to procrastinate any longer. Hopefully this meeting will be the grassroots of a new WNY (and beyond) awareness and action group of proactive citizens. 

Thanks for your time and I hope to see you there. 
Brian Graz   What: Second Amendment Town Hall meeting on strategy Who: All supporters of the right to bear arms Where: Days Inn, 200 Oak St., Batavia When: 2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, April 15
Tim Miller

Brian - you and your fellow organizers are to be commended for putting this together. Inform people of the law, using somebody who actually knows it.

Democracy works best with an informed electorate.

Apr 6, 2018, 5:46pm Permalink
Ed Hartgrove

Brian ● Thanks. I just finished watching several "live" streams from Olmos Park, Texas, concerning the 2nd Amendment, and, Texas' open-carry law.
Long and short story is, in Texas, it's legal to open-carry, but, several cities there had ordinances that prohibited it (one being Olmos Park). Those ordinances were contrary to Texas law (and, were repealed last week).
BUT, not before several people who were legally carrying were physically assaulted and arrested. One was injured after being tased (he fell backwards and cracked his skull on the sidewalk).
Today, Open Carry Texas (OCT) staged an armed walk through the city of Olmos Park. The estimate was that about 700 people attended the walk through the city. Several live streams captured it on YouTube. It's also estimated that over 13,000 people watch the live streams.
Several lawsuits have been filed against the city, and, their police department.

I realize NY has its own problems when it comes to dealing with 2nd Amendment issues. Much more than Texas does. The point is, people are tired of having their rights trampled on.
If anyone is interested, I would suggest they go to YouTube and search for OLMOS PARK. There's countless videos about this whole situation on there, and, by tonight, there will be many more.

Apr 7, 2018, 3:45pm Permalink

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