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Pedestrian struck by car on Richmond Avenue

By Billie Owens

A pedestrian has reportedly been struck by a car at the intersection of Prospect and Richmond avenues in the City of Batavia. Batavia Fire Department and Mercy EMS are responding.

A 7-year-old child is being transported to UMMC for evaluation as a precaution. She was riding her bicycle, collided with the car, and she fell to the ground but there was no loss of consiousness and no complaint of pain, according to the medic.

Batavia firefighters are back in service.

George Richardson

Two people got scared to death immediately today. Twenty others were scared to death within minutes. False alarm, thank reality, call it God if you want to, I just call it "Luckygodgoodbuddydorightfriendlinessnesh" and I think we all need more of that. It worked for Mary Poppins and me, it can work for you too. I got hit by a car when I was five and all I got was the promise of a milkshake that never came. It made me stronger but I really wanted that milkshake.

Oct 27, 2011, 4:42pm Permalink
jeffery lonnen


Your information on this one was way off. I am the father of both children that got hit. Here is what really happened.

My son was riding his sister home on the pegs of his bike because she was cold. They slowed down at the intersection and saw that the car was coming but knew he had to stop continued on thru, but the guy in the car slowed down, but never stopped and hit the rear tire of the bike causing both of them to hit the ground. My daughter was taken to the hospital just to be safe. She is fine.. My son didn't get hurt so he didn't go. No real damage except a bent rim.

Thanks to everyone on the scene. Very fast response time.

I really want to thank the lady that called it in. Thank you so much

Oct 27, 2011, 7:09pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

Jeffery, first, I don't see anything in your comment that constitutes our information being "way off."

Second, the details you provide are not anything under the circumstances we can possibly be privy to, so the critical tone of your comment is rather off target.

Nevertheless, the follow up of a first-hand account to fill in details is appreciated.

Oct 27, 2011, 8:17pm Permalink
jeffery lonnen


"She was riding her bicycle, collided with the car, and she fell to the ground"
Quoted from above

She wasn't riding the bike, nor did she collide with the car.
So it seems that it was off by allot.

I didn't think i had a critical tone. I was just trying to get the facts out there..

Oct 27, 2011, 8:24pm Permalink
George Richardson

Jeff, you are a lucky guy. So are your kids and the driver who made a mistake. Life is beautiful without a doubt, embrace the hell out of it man. The really good stuff doesn't last long and it should be savored like a bag of skunk or a fine bottle of wine.

Oct 27, 2011, 8:42pm Permalink

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