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Is that really a doggone dog on the roof?

By Billie Owens

City police are being sent to the parking lot of the old market on the corner of Ellicott and Jackson to talk to a person in a beige car about an animal complaint. The person wants to report seeing a black and white "terrier-style" dog walking on the roof.

The site has been for the birds for quite some time. Has it now gone to the dogs, too?

George Richardson

My family had a terrier named Fred who used to bite me, but mostly my older brother Ray, when we got violent with each other and wrestled on the living room floor. That was back during the days of Domanic Denuchi, Buffalo Wrestling Superstar. That was one smart dog messing with two dumb asses who settled things quickly without the bother of the Police.
That dog probably figured out a way to get up there by itself. If a kid can do it why can't a dog?
Wait, wait. don't tell me. The witness saw it from steet level and it was really a raccoon eating a hundred seagull eggs. Nature often takes care of itself, or at least I can dream.

Nov 5, 2011, 5:22pm Permalink

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