A school bus out of Rochester City School District is stuck at North Street and Columbia Avenue in the City of Batavia.
No injuries are reported. Batavia PD is not yet on scene. The bus was transporting 26 members of the Wilson High School junior varsity football team from a game when it encountered a roadblock set up at that intersection for this evening's 5K run and walk sponsored by the YWCA.
The driver attempted to turn the bus around when the tires got wedged in a gully at a grassy area. The Wilson athletes tried vainly to push the bus; it remains there for now.
UPDATE 7:21 p.m.: Batavia police are on scene. Parises Towing is en route to assist. The athletes are being treated to a hot and hearty Harvest Supper, which is also being served at the YWCA tonight, courtesy of the YWCA. The players were eager to tell every adult who approached them -- reporters, police, staff from the Y -- "we beat Batavia." First words out of their mouths, no matter the question.

Now *that* is a great photo!
Now *that* is a great photo! Love it!
Thumbs up to the YWCA for
Thumbs up to the YWCA for providing the team a hot meal. This is what being a good neighbor is all about.