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Cricket's Back in Batavia

By Amanda Welsh

As many people will notice today they new sign at Cricket will be up and working.  Actually at this very minute there are people there putting the sign up now.  This sign will allow people to know that Cricket is really back in Batavia.

For those of you who currently have Cricket will be happy, now you will be able to pay your bill, upgrade your phone, or even purchase broadband internet from the store.  Which many of you may already know.

For those who were burnt by Cricket will be glad to know that this Cricket is under NEW ownership, and there are many improvements.  There is better customer service, so if you have a problem with anything the ISR's(Indirect Sales Reps) will be willing to do anything they can to make your experience a good one.  However, they are not able to do everything, but they are able to point you in the right direction.

Cricket offers many plans to fit everyones needs.  Whether is it from using your phone everyday to just using it 2 or 3 times a weeks or for emergencies only.  There is something there for you.  They even offer you the first month of service free, with new activation. Broadband is also available through Cricket.

Stop down to thier location and talk to Amanda or Jen.  They are open Monday through Saturday from 9am until 7pm.

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