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Batavia Daily News for Monday: GOP open house, abortion and invasive plants

By Howard B. Owens

The Daily News leads off today's edition with coverage -- and a family photo -- of the GOP open house Saturday. It's typical, work-in-every body's-name, newspaper coverage. No real news.  The Batavian covered the event Saturday and used it as an opportunity to get Chris Lee on the record regarding his position on the Wall Street bailout.

Monday's paper also features an interview with Beth Ryan, president of Genesee County Right to Life. Ryan says, "I want to end abortion. I want people to understand that abortion shouldn't just be illegal. It should be unthinkable."

Paul Mrozek writes about invasive plant, with honeysuckle being noted as a particular problem. He features Peter Smallidge, who demonstrated using a propane torch to burn the plants at Genesee County Park. Burning the plant at the base doesn't immediately kill it, but weakens it so it will die. Honeysuckles, which are non-native, can crowd out other shrubs and birds that nest in them have fewer successful hatches.

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Daniel Jones

I wonder what Beth Ryan thinks about Chris Lee's position on Abortion, from my knowledge he's never clarified it, but I have heard that he has pro-choice views.

Oct 6, 2008, 5:02pm Permalink

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