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Le Roy Police charge 16-year-old with sexual misconduct

By Howard B. Owens

The parents of a 14-year-old girl in Le Roy reportedly found her in bed with a 16-year-old boy from Geneseo.

The parents called Le Roy Police and the boy has been charged with sexual misconduct, a Class A misdemeanor.

The boy's name was withheld by Le Roy Police. He was issued an appearance ticket and will be arraigned in Le Roy Town Court on an unspecified date.

Doug Yeomans

A 16 year old boy is about on the same level as a 14 year old girl, wouldn't you say? If they were in bed together this time, I doubt it was their first time. If it were me, he wouldn't have had to worry about the police as much as he would have had to worry about me and the same would go for my daughter.

C'mon, Brenda, you can't be serious. These kinds of situations with kids have been happening as long as there have been kids. You want the boy arrested? Why not the girl, too? Why not the parents of both kids? Why does the boy get all the blame?

Okay, he was 16 and could be tried as an adult but lets get real. He's a kid. The police see it the same way or he would have been charged with something much more serious. If it were your son, would you want him to be labeled as a sex offender? It's different when it's 2 kids. If this had been a 26, 36 or 46 year old guy then yeah, arrest him.

Brenda, I give you a large red "F" for FAIL.

Mar 25, 2010, 2:15pm Permalink
Doug Yeomans

Hey Brenda, did you ever think that boys and a lot of men don't think with the right head when a girl says "yes?" Songs have been written about this over and over and over. Females have always been able to manipulate men like silly putty.

Until a man is a little more worldly and wise than a 16 year old can be, thinking with the correct head can be a stiff challenge. If the girl said yes and was willing then I actually blame her more than the 16 year old boy. They were in HER bed, not HIS!

Mar 25, 2010, 2:23pm Permalink
Chris Charvella

Doug, it's not the girl's fault. Judging by their ages, the charges filed, and the fact that it was the parents who called the cops, it's probably not the boy's fault either.

Sounds like they were normal teenagers who let hormones get the best of them; it's certainly not the first time this has happened.

Based on the laws of New York State, a 14 year-old cannot legally consent so the parents were within their rights to press charges against the boy.

Doug did make a pretty reasonable point above though. I would hope that if this turns out to be a case of a couple hormonally charged teenagers, it could be left at that. I'd hate to see a person's life ruined by sex-offender status for something like this.

As the father of a beautiful little girl who will be a teenager in just 11 short years I have to say that the parents reaction doesn't surprise me.

Mar 25, 2010, 3:26pm Permalink

True enough Chris! I would have called 911 alright, but more for the ambulance after I was done with him.

Seriously, if the circumstances are simplistic: boy and girl trying to not get caught in the house! (Man teenagers aren't bright.) Then have the parents meet and agree to keep them away.

OOOOOOOOOO Better yet, make them watch that horrible "Beauty of Life" video that we all got in High School. Not the new one, but the original 70's version! That'll cool em' off!

Mar 25, 2010, 4:02pm Permalink

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