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Today's Poll: Should taxpayers save Detroit?

By Howard B. Owens
lazario Ladou

"we have products in the pipeline"

We will see

They're going to get their money
Stop the insanity and just give it to em already
I'm not thinking any better of these people that hold out for two weeks before giving in

These people don't have answers
They have best guesses as to which side of the debate is likely to win
Flip a coin
Someone will choose wisely

-luck out-

This person is the new chief till the next big question comes along and the process repeats itself

What happens when PEOPLE go green? What do these companies do then?
What happens when a family chooses NOT TO BUY 2 or 3 or even 4 cars or a car for their graduate or decides
Hey, I can drive this car till its dead..I don't NEED to look fashionable as I kill the earth
What happens when the industry built on selling millions of cars
simply cannot


They may not get lucky and be able to continue on their present course of selling millions upon millions of just
green cars
-like digital put new breath into the imaging industry-

What if people actually go green? Green people don't buy 3 energy efficient vehicles
they buy 1 and keep them in good repair

How hard are these companies going to work to keep green a novelty item only
We have made such great advancements
Have so many great engineers
We can't build cars that last 15 years easily, get 40 miles a gallon of gasoline and look sweeeeeeeeet?


Auto = consumables industry
They are going to do everything they can to keep it that way
If green just doesn't work for them right now
It won't happen

This poll even asks for "greenER" cars
Where is the real change going to come from? Them or us?

Dec 8, 2008, 7:10pm Permalink

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